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So it is fair for everyone, E L G A N Z A has brought these exclusive judging criterions with detailed descriptions to it so judges do get their help and can visit this chapter each time they're confused.

So it is fair for everyone, E L G A N Z A has brought these exclusive judging criterions with detailed descriptions to it so judges do get their help and can visit this chapter each time they're confused

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M A I N  C A T E G O R Y   

TITLE: (0/5)Assess the appropriateness, relevance, and intrigue of the book's title

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TITLE: (0/5)
Assess the appropriateness, relevance, and intrigue of the book's title. Consider whether it accurately reflects the content and theme of the book.

Evaluate the design, artwork, and overall visual appeal of the book cover. Consider how well it captures the essence of the book and attracts potential readers.

Analyze the effectiveness of the book's description in enticing readers and providing a concise summary of the plot, themes, and genre.

Evaluate the coherence, complexity, and originality of the plot. Consider how engaging and well-paced the story is.

Assess the depth, believability, and growth of the characters throughout the narrative.

Evaluate the author's use of language, including clarity, eloquence, and effectiveness in conveying ideas and emotions.

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