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4 years later

"I like how even after all this time, our parents still get so excited to see us,"

A soft chuckle left Giyuu's mouth. "I don't blame them, I still don't think they've gotten over the fact that its been 5 years,"

"God, I still can't believe it's been that long. It genuinely still feels like yesterday that you first kissed me on the stairs at my art show,"

He turned the steering wheel, bringing you into another open road.

"You looked gorgeous, I couldn't help myself,"

The red light up ahead caused him to slow the car down. He gently placed a hand on your thigh before squeezing it softly.

He pulled up outside your house shortly before running around the front of the car to open the door for you.

You left your bags in the trunk temporarily, eager to see your parents and your brothers.

Two gentle knocks later, your dad opened the door, a slightly tired looking smile on his face.

Your relationship with your dad had improved, a lot of apologies were made on his end, and things were definitely better than they were before. 

"Hey," he said, opening the door for both of you. "They're in the kitchen,"

You walked through the all too familiar hallways, Giyuu trailing behind you.

"There they are!" Your mother and his mother gushed, coffee in hand.

You greeted them both with hugs and chuckled as Giyuu's mother playfully squished his cheeks.

"I'm 25." he grumbled.

"Won't stop me," she sipped her coffee.

"Are we doing anything later?" you asked.

"I figured we'd have a massive dinner party. I've invited all your friends and family."

"That's great, but may I ask why?"

"Why not?" she shrugged, looking between you and Giyuu, who awkwardly placed his hands in his pockets.

"Your dad is doing a barbecue, I figured it would just be nice to celebrate having you home and all your accomplishments so far, plus it's a beautiful day,"

Giyuu placed a quick and gentle kiss on your exposed shoulder.

"She's not wrong," he whispered.

"Mitsuri and the others will be here at around 3 pm, so make sure everything is all set up,"

"Will do," you nodded before disappearing with Giyuu to your childhood room.

"She's so over the top sometimes," you said, flopping down.

"I think she's just excited to have her daughter home," he sat down next to you.

"Your brothers have grown up as well," Giyuu acknowledged, watching them walk right past the open door.

"They're only 12,"

𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 ❥︎ 𝐠𝐢𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚Where stories live. Discover now