Chapter 10 ~ petsitting

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'' I really don't feel like doing this, but you know. 1 evening can't hurt right? I've asked Mikky to watch over Lyci so many times, so it would be rude to say no. ''Yeah that's fine, you can drop Jagger off before the game.'' ''Really? Omg thank you thank you.'' ''No problem Mik, see you tonight.'' I hang up and sigh, luckily Jagger doesn't need that much attention.


It's almost evening, I've already picked up the kids and they're happily playing in the living room. Mikky just said she'll come by to drop off Jagger, I'm actually so tired. But anyway, it's only for one evening. I hear the doorbell ring, I think that's Mikky. I walk over and open the front door, there she is with her blond hair and her bright blue eyes. She looks at me with her well-known smile, I swear Frenkie and Mikky are really just made for each other. Next to her sits a small dog wagging his tail and looking at me. ''Hey hey!'' I give her a hug, she hands me the dog leash. ''Thank you Yana, I appreciate it.'' ''It's nothing, you always babysit Lyci and Léon for me so it's the least I can do.'' she gives me another hug. ''I'm going to get some stuff for Jagger from the car and then I have to go.'' ''No problem Mik.'' While Mikky walks back to the car, I take Jagger inside. ''Lyci, Léon! Jagger is here!''

The kids come running to me, ''JAGGER!'' they immediately start petting him and playing with him. I unfasten his leash and let him play with the kids, I walk back to the door. Mikky comes walking towards me with a bag full of food and toys for Jagger. She hands me the bag, man that's heavy. ''Eh, thank you very much and have fun! I'll pick him up again tonight after the match okay?'' ''Yes that's fine, you too have fun!'' ''Thank you!'' She walks back to her car and I close the door behind me. I put the bag in the hallway and get some toys for Jagger. Well this is going to be fun!

The men are just on their way home from training, well I think so. Because Pedri just called and he sounded very stressed, or happy I don't know. I wonder what happened. I hear the front door open, I walk to the door and look surprised at the little creature in Pedri's arms. ''Meet Nilo.'' ''Wait what? You bought a dog?'' I can hardly believe it, I walk over and start petting the puppy. He is so cute, ''Yes, me and Gavi found him in the garbage. We went straight to the vet and yes everything is already arranged. He is now officially part of the family.'' I just can't believe it, we have a puppy! ''Go show the kids, they're gonna like it so much! And Jagger is here too by the way.'' He nods and walks into the house with Nilo. Who would have thought that he was bringing a puppy home..


It's a quiet evening, a bit too quiet you might say. Pedri, Gavi, Auri and the twins have already gone to the match. The kids are still playing with Jagger and Nilo, it's so nice to see them playing with them. Nilo has already gotten used to the house and is not afraid anymore to play with Jagger and the kids. He is quite tired, but the kids too, so I am going to put them to bed. It's already quite late, 21.00 to be precise and they should actually be in bed now. ''Guys, come on, you have to go to sleep. It is already late.'' They give Jagger and Nilo a few last kisses and run up the stairs to their room, they have already brushed their teeth. So they only have to put on their pyjamas, I give Lyci a kiss on her forehead and go to the room next to hers, the nice thing is that there is a door between their rooms so they can quickly go to each other in case something happens.

I walk to Leo, he is already fully dressed and is sitting on his bed. He looks at me with shining eyes, he looks so much like Pedri.. I walk to him and sit on his bed. He crawls under his covers and looks at me smiling, I stroke his head. ''Sleep well my sweet little boy, te amo.'' ''Sleep well mom, te amo.'' I give him a kiss and get up, but just as I want to walk away he asks something. ''Mom, do you think I can play for the first team later like Dad, Grandpa and uncle Gavi?'' I look at him smiling, ''Of course! But you have to remember, that everything comes from hard work. If you want something you have to fight for it and work for it. But you should always show respect and be nice to people, even if you don't like them or they do something bad. You should always respect everyone and that's the most important thing. If you do your best and show kindness, you will come very far and I know for sure that you can do that. Now go to sleep, you need to rest. Tomorrow will be a long day.'' ''I promise that I will do everything you said.'' I smile and give him another kiss. I turn off the lights, little boys grow up..

I walk back to my princess who is already lying under her blanket, ''Mama, I already know what I want to be when I grow up.'' ''Oh what then?'' ''I want to be just like you.'' Her eyes start to shine, just like her brother. I start to smile, ''That's really nice darling, but do you remember what I said to you?'' She nods and says proudly. ''You can become and get anything if you just work hard for it.'' ''That's right my little princess, you should never forget that.'' ''Mama, is Papa coming home soon?'' A smile appears on my face again, she will always be a daddy's girl. ''Yes, papa will be home soon. If you go to sleep now, tomorrow we will go on vacation with papa, Léon, uncle Gavi, aunt Auri and the twins.'' ''Yes, airplane!'' ''Now go to sleep little princess, te amo.'' ''te amo..'' I give her a kiss and also turn off the lights in her room. I close the door behind me and go downstairs, where I see Jagger already waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.

He has his leash in his mouth and looks at me questioningly, oh yes I have to go and let him out. I grab the leash and fasten it, ''first I have to put Nilo in his basket and then we can go.'' I walk back into the living room, where I see Nilo playing with Jagger's toys that are a little too big. I pick him up and put him in his basket. I give him a kiss and put some food and water in a bowl and put it next to him. I walk to the door and go outside with Jagger.

We walk around the street so he can do his business. This street is always quiet and nothing has ever happened here in the years I've lived here. It's a nice neighborhood, it's getting a bit cold though. Jagger seems to enjoy it, he's always so playful. ''Do you want to go to the lawn?'' He looks at me for a long time, but then starts running circles around me like crazy. ''I assume that's a yes.'' Actually I shouldn't leave the kids home alone, but it's only for 30 minutes. The lawn is also across from our house so.. I walk Jagger there and untie his leash, he starts running circles and rolling in the grass. Sometimes I think what it's like to be a dog, actually I think it would be amazing. Playing and eating the whole day. This is so random, but yk.

Love Full of secrets II (part 2)//ft. Pedri GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now