Chapter 5 ~ Date

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It's already very late and the children are already half asleep. I think it's time to go home, we say goodbye and pick up the half-asleep children to take them to the car.


I wake up to the sun shining in my face, I turn my head and look next to me. Pedri is sleeping, his mouth is open and he's snoring like a big swine. I grab my phone and take a picture of him, it's actually cute. But I can't blame him, yesterday was so hectic. First that children's party and then in the evening by our parents. We didn't get home until around 01:00, everyone was exhausted. It's already 12:00 now, I get up and go to check the kids. They are still asleep, I let them sleep and walk downstairs to make lunch. I make coffee for myself and get to work. Pedri and I are also leaving again tonight, so the children have to go to my parents again. It will be an evening for ourselves, just the two of us. Pedri has arranged everything so I'm curious what he has done this time. Last year he rented a whole boat, not a small one but a whole yacht with everything on it. Sometimes I really can't believe this man, I'm already happy with a meal in a restaurant or just eating at all.

I've made breakfast and look at the time, I have to go to training. Pedri is training later today so that's perfect. I walk back to our room and see that Pedri is already awake, he looks up from his phone when I walk into the room. I walk towards him and give him a kiss, ''I'm going to training now Amor. Breakfast is ready downstairs and the children are still asleep. You have to bring them to my parents, can you do that?'' ''Yes, it'll be fine. Good luck, I'll see you later.'' I give him another kiss and then grab my things. I leave the house and walk to the house next door. I ring the doorbell and the door opens, a brunette with a big smile on her face looks at me. ''Ready to go?'' ''Yes sir!'' We get in the car and drive to the training complex.


We've just finished training and it's almost dark. Pedri is driving to the so-called surprise. I'm curious what he's arranged now, I did say that it shouldn't be that extreme. The ride doesn't take very long. But I can't see anything because I'm blindfolded, I hear him open the door for me. He takes my hand and helps me get out, I follow him and feel that we're getting into an elevator not long after. It stops after 1 minute and we walk out, I hear a door open and he pulls me a few steps further forward.''Take off your blindfold.'' I take it off and have to get used to the light, but in front of me is a giant round bed with rose petals that form a heart, I look around and see a huge bathtub in the middle of the room. But what strikes me most is the view, the room is surrounded by huge windows. Because of which you can see the whole city, this is the most beautiful view I have ever seen in my life. With the sunset it makes the picture perfect.

I just stand there with my mouth open, I have no words for it. It is less extreme than last year, but I still find this actually too much.''Is it beautiful?'' I still look at him with a disbelieving look, ''YES! But I still find this too much, you really didn't have to do this.'' He looks at me radiantly, ''Amor, this day only happens once a year. It should be extreme and special.'' I give him a kiss, ''You are truly incredible.'' ''And you are the most beautiful, most special, sweetest, most fantastic woman that exists. Who deserves all of this.'' I melt from his words, I don't deserve this man.

He gives me a kiss, which slowly becomes a deeper passionate kiss. His tongue taps against my lips, I open my mouth to catch my breath a little. Right after that, our tongues are wrestling with each other. It starts again, the fireworks in my stomach that no one else can give except him. The butterflies in my stomach wake up, and my heart starts beating faster. He lifts me up without breaking the kiss and lays me down on the bed, we ripped our clothes of and not much later all our clothes are spread across the room. He moves his hand towards my clit and starts playing with it. His movements make me start to moan, I missed this. Suddenly I feel 2 fingers in me, he starts to move harder and harder, I scream it out. A warm feeling starts to arise in my lower abdomen, but just when I want to explode he stops. I look at him with disbelief, but he is just grinning dirty at me. He presses his lips on mine again and it continues, he pushes his thing in me. It is the first time that we have done it so aggressively and rough. But I am not going to complain, I honestly enjoy it. I keep groaning and screaming, slowly the warm feeling in my stomach starts to come back. Almost, almost... I feel the bed getting wet and my body filling with thick warm liquid.


My body is devastated, we just slept for 1 hour after our little workout. Pedri has suggested to walk around for a bit, his arms are protectively wrapped around me. No one is on the street and everything is dark, except the streets which are lit by the small lampposts. Suddenly my phone starts to vibrate, no one messages me in the middle of the night. Only if it's an emergency. I open my phone and see 2 notifications. I open the message, my hands are starting to shake. I read it again, I close my eyes. This is just a dream right? I open my eyes again, but I'm still standing here with my phone in my hands. I start looking around like crazy. My heart rate increases like a rocket, I quickly put my phone back in my pocket. But I can feel eyes burning on my back. This is not real, this is not real...

Love Full of secrets II (part 2)//ft. Pedri GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now