All events that happen to Harley or anyone else have happened (with slight changes for dramatic effect) to me or someone I know. I've tried to keep as true as possible, whilst still keeping it interesting.
As well, the characters are based off people I know - both personalities and physical appearance. Know that each character has a flaw in both, because even the written word can't erase imperfection.
If you personally know me - which not many of you will - and find yourself intertwined with Harley's story, do not be offended; it simply means you were important enough to write about.
Comment, share, like, but most importantly, enjoy.
TeenfikceWhat would you do to keep believing? Harley Winters has it pretty good - above average grades, great friends and a boyfriend who loves her. But when Harley has to choose between her values and the people she loves, could living in the past end disas...