Chapter 19

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October 1749


I had wrecked the chamber. The mahogany dresser lay in disarray upon the oak-planked floor, the silver candlesticks strewn about like fallen soldiers, and the candles lay in shattered fragments, carelessly rolling this way and that. Never before had I felt such a tempest of fury raging within my own flesh and bones. It was as though I had been overtaken by some malevolent spirit, a force beyond my ken. Collapsing heavily upon the goose-feathered mattress, I buried my anguished countenance in my trembling hands, grappling with the torment that gnawed at my very soul.

Why, after three years bound in wedlock, and a lifetime ere that spent in each other's company, did Elodie persist in choosing the shade of my departed brother over the living essence of my being? The heart within my breast, already rent asunder, felt as though it were being pulverized intae myriad shards, and then rent anew by the relentless blows of a vengeful mallet.

If my tumultuous outburst had reached Elodie's ears, she betrayed nay sign of heed. Yet, had I nae driven her fae the room in a storm of wrathful passion? I deemed my fury tae be justly earned. Three long years had elapsed since last I shared intimacies with another soul, let alone with my own wife. That night had held such promise, only tae culminate in a scene of crimson-stained sheets and unfulfilled desires. Did this bode ill for our future together? Would I ever succeed in coaxing fae her lips the words of affection I so desperately craved, the assurance that she held some love for me in her heart?

How had Logan, even fae beyond the confines of mortality, managed tae eclipse me in her affections? The riddle taunted my mind with its inscrutable enigma, as I sat amidst the wreckage of my own making, grappling with doubts that threatened tae engulf me whole.

I yearned tae weep, tae keen and lament with abandon, allowing the torrent of emotions I habitually suppressed tae surge forth fae the depths of my chest so that I might keen as my very soul desired. Curse all who deem men incapable of shedding tears! Curse this entire den of spies and turncoats, of deceivers and heartbreakers! I would resort tae any means, be it murder, deceit, or the shedding of my own blood, just tae hear the sweet utterance of "I love ye" fae the lips of my wife, Elodie Irive, who, even as my lawful bride, seemed unwilling tae disavow the memory of my departed brother.

Logan. It was a cruel twist of fate. He had possessed all and yet forsaken it all. Left me tae shoulder his burdens, tae dedicate myself tae his legacy, only tae find myself steeped in wretchedness. I had inherited all that he once held, save for one crucial thing—Elodie's love. She met me with scorn, rudeness, and malice. Every barb she flung, every slight she cast upon me, I endured in silence, all the while ardently pursuing her affections. This torment, if naught else, threatened tae be my undoing.

I longed tae shake Elodie from the trance that ensnared her, tae cry out, "He is nay more!" until the words echoed in her ears like thunder. What must I do tae make her comprehend that she was my very life, my all, my source of pride and joy, despite the mediocrity that marked our union?

With a furious sweep of my hands, I surged from the bed, flung wide the chamber door, and descended the creaking stairs in determined strides, my fists clenched at my sides. Killian sat at the oaken table with Elodie, now garbed in attire yet bearing the lingering distress upon her countenance. As I entered, Killian's gaze darkened.

"Yer wife is in a sorry state, all thanks to yer doings," he remarked, his hand extending in a gesture of solace upon her shoulder, evoking a soft smile fae her, though her eyes remained rimmed with red. "What madness possesses ye tae cast yer own wife unclothed fae the bedchamber?"

Fury kindled afresh within me. He kenned nae the truth, she hadna confided in him. Should I return the humiliation she had inflicted upon me?

"That is none of yer concern, Killian. She is MY wife, and I shall conduct myself as I damn well please," I retorted, fixing him with a steely glare, daring him tae contest my authority within my own abode.

"This is nae the Conall I ken, ye are nae a man of malice or spite," Killian interjected, rising in an attempt tae placate the tempest that churned within me. He approached, seeking tae lay a reassuring hand upon my shoulder, but I recoiled.

"Do... nae... lay a hand... on me," I ground out through clenched teeth, my resolve unyielding.

"Killian, it may be prudent tae give him space. Allow him tae compose himself, and then we may engage in civil discourse," Elodie's authoritative voice cut through the tension, her words prompting me tae action. I couldna abide her sitting there, feigning innocence in the midst of our turmoil.

"Ye... ye are a wretched woman. Why has God cursed me with thee? Death would be a kinder fate than enduring this charade," I exclaimed with a frustrated exhale. "I shall inform yer father that ye fulfilled yer marital duty, but it ends there. Ye shallna set foot within my chamber by day or by night. Seek solace elsewhere, as shall I."

Killian stood before us, his mouth agape in astonishment. The realization dawned upon him that our union had indeed been consummated. Three interminable years had I lamented tae my confidant about Elodie's refusal tae share my bed, only tae now banish her fae my chambers for all time, seeking solace in the arms of another.

"Ye... ye consummated the marriage?" Killian stammered, his disbelief palpable.

"Aye. It began as a joyous union, only tae sour with time," I replied, casting a piercing glance at Elodie, who swallowed hard, flushed crimson, and averted her gaze.

"I cannae fathom how lying with Elodie could have soured so swiftly," Killian remarked, crossing his arms as he surveyed the scene before him.

"If ye seek elucidation, she holds the answers," I retorted, inclining my head towards Elodie. "For the present, I must attend tae the final preparations ere the harvest. I shall meet ye both in the fields." With that, I pivoted on my heel and strode fae the room with purpose, leaving Elodie and Killian tae exchange uneasy glances betwixt themselves. This time, I resolved, Elodie would be left tae reckon with the consequences of her own actions.

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