10. Aftermath {Lia}

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Lauren slammed open the door in a haste, shaking me out of my stupor. Glancing at her, I quickly hopped to my feet with Charlotte behind me. Both of us with excited grins on our faces.

"How was it?" Charlotte asked.

"Was he angry? Was he surprised that we actually got him back for the other time?" I did a small jump before whirling around, still exhilarated from trashing Uhu's room.

Lauren did a small shrug before throwing her shoes off, "Sorry girls but I leaped out of there as fast as I could." She took in our deflating expressions before adding, "I'm pretty sure he is furious now though. So mission accomplished!"

I turned to Charlotte and we hi-fived each other before turning back to Lauren. "So, d'ya think me and Charlotte have a future in thrashing people's rooms?" I asked, noticing the glint in Lauren's eye.

"You did quite a good job. I was pleasantly surprised to see that you were willing to throw his books around the room. You're pretty uptight with the way you treat your books," Lauren said.

"Charlotte told me it was all or nothing. So I went with it," I answered. I was shocked that they actually noticed how carefully I treated my books and I winced, hoping they didn't notice how often I dusted my books.

Charlotte grinned before remarking, "I guess we should celebrate now. Do you guys have tons of homework to complete? Because I'm thinking we should chill out in the common room for a while. I make some pretty amazing hot cocoa."


The next morning, we were still hanging onto the last thread of adrenaline from the prank we did. It was pretty apparent because right when I saw Jane, she noted with an amused look, "Lia, you seem to be very unlike your usual self on this lovely Friday."

I shot her a look before scowling; "I'm always like this."

Giggling, Jane replied, "Right... Did anything happen yesterday that I wasn't informed about?"

Lauren turned her head to face us upon hearing what Jane said and quickly shook her head, mouthing the word 'no'. I stared at her dumbfounded. Did she really think I would announce it to the whole wide world what we did? We would get punished if an authoritative figure found out about it.

"Well..." I trailed off, looking at Lauren's quickly paling face. "Clayton and I exchanged numbers yesterday." I bit my lip to stifle the laughter that was about to erupt out of me. Jane clapped her hand ecstatically before leaning forward with her big doe eyes.

"You go girl! Did you ask for it or was he the one who proposed it?" Jane looked so earnest and Lauren looked so relieved that I ended up bursting into laughter.

"It was just the exchanging of numbers Jane. Not a biggie. But if you want to know that badly," Jane stared up at me, anticipating my answer. "He asked for it." I told her with a grin on my face.

"He is totally into you. Man, Clayton doesn't ask for numbers. The numbers come to him."

I gaped at her before stating; "He must be good with calculus then."

Jane laughed, "Well, he does score the highest in mathematics most of the times. James tries his best to beat him in it but rarely does that happen."

We reached the dining hall with the rest of the students, ready to fill their stomachs with delicious food. Even after weeks in Briarwoods, I couldn't believe that the food here was scrumptious and unlike the food from my previous school which was completely horrid.

I pushed through the gathering crowd at the entrance of the dining hall before walking towards the usual table where we eat with my friends in tow. I slumped down onto the table with Lauren while the rest of the girls went to get their food.

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