7. Boys Boys Boys {Lia}

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Dylan Johnson. Who was he? Flashbacks flew through my brain, wrecking it into havoc as I tried to remember this particular person.

There were only flashes of familiarity that was laced with slight hatred but otherwise, there was nothing else that I could grasp from the ton of memories that flooded my brain.

My brain was far too consumed with the fact that I'll still be stuck with the two "lovely" ladies and the search for more about Dylan Johnson ceased.

It seemed like the Fates just loved to put us together; we were like the three musketeers to them I guess. Inseparable enemies.

Breaking my attention from that insufferable boy, I looked at the other two girls who were busily staring at the notice board.

I noticed that all the club details were below the name list, with a shocking number of only twenty-one people on the list.

Surprisingly, the male species dominated the name list, unless the names "Oliver Beckham" and "Walter Rivers" were female names. I mentally laughed at the thought of girls being called that.

A cough was heard from behind me and I turned, frustrated with the amount of interruptions from my thoughts I had that day.

A pretty blonde with crossed arms stood in front of me, her cerulean eyes squinting at me through her fashionably-messy bangs. Her red tie, an indication that she was a sophomore like us, was crooked and her skirt was short, tailored I guessed.

As I continued on looking at how she wore her uniform, a disgrace truly, she blew a raspberry. I stood staring at her, wondering what she wanted.

"Hello?" She sneered. "Can you even move?" She questioned again before waving her dainty-looking hands in front of my eyes.
I rolled my eyes before moving aside, gesturing with my hands and saying, "Your highness."

She only huffed in protest before looking at the notice board and narrowing her eyes at the newspaper club section. She drew her hand forward and lightly pressed on the name list before finding what she was searching for.

I peered over her shoulder and realised that both Lauren and Charlotte were doing the same.

She moved her hand towards the bottom of the list and rose her eyebrows when she saw the names of Charlotte, Lauren and I.

A loud sigh escaped her lips as she faced us.

Cocking an eyebrow at us. "Ladies," she smirked. "I'll get the head position again this year," she continued on. She pushed past us before turning back to us once again and stared at us with an evil glint in her eyes, "and I'll have fun."

As she walked away with her head held high, the girls and I crowded around the list again and scanned through the small list of names before coming across her name. "Drew Collins".


We sauntered back into the dorm room only to be brought back outside into the common room when Jane knocked on the door, urging us to come along to socialize with the other members of the dorm house.

The scent of cinnamon was strong as we walked towards the common room and the voices of girls could be heard from a distance with all the screeching and giggling I heard.

The common room was huge, although I've been in there a few times now. It had wooden fixtures and large couches that were of light beige with funky cushions placed in disarray.

The kitchen was sleek with its steel counterparts. We were allowed to place our personal mugs in the drawers of the countertop and all the mugs of different colours and designs could be seen through the glass screen.

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