6. The Expected and The Unexpected {Charlie}

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I looked up from my Math textbook.


There was a tinge of annoyance in my voice because I could barely understand a single thing. James cleared his throat.

"I said, club results are coming out this afternoon. Aren't you excited? About what club you'll get put in?"

I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose and glanced over to Mr Brown, our Math teacher, who was droning on and on about The Pythagora's Theorem.

"Yeah, I guess," I whispered to James, who was conveniently seated beside me,"what club did you sign up for?"

"I've always been pretty good at running, so it was Track and Field for me."

"Track and Field? Cool! I signed up for the newspaper club. It looks pretty interesting."

"Ahem," Mr Brown said, glaring at the both of us,"Mister Evans and Miss McKenzie, is there something you would like to share with the class?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No, sir," we both replied in unison.

"Then I suggest you save your chatter for later!"

"Yes, sir." With that, we immediately got back to work.

I was halfway through solving a killer question when a slip of paper flew off James' desk and landed right next to my chair. As I bent down to pick it up, I heard a whisper.

"Pssst. Keep it, it's for you."

Perplexed, I glanced at the slip of paper on the floor before picking it up and examining it.

It was a note.

"Newspaper club is totally rad!" it read.

When the school bell finally rang for the day, I jumped up and stuffed my History textbook into my backpack before leaving the classroom.

"Finally! Gosh, that was one tiring day," I muttered.

I made my way to room 332 where I plunked my bag and books down on my desk.


I jumped a bit at the sound of Lia's voice.

"Oh hey... I didn't notice you here," I said," You scared me."

Lia scoffed. "I know, I know, I am pretty scary."

I gave a half smile before realising that only one out of two of my room mates were there with me.

"Where's Lauren?" I inquired.

"Beats me. Perhaps she's fighting up a storm with that Uhu guy," she joked as she strode over to her bookshelf and retrieved an enormously huge book.

Recalling the conversation we had had earlier on, I smiled a bit and inquired," Harry Potter?"

She was a tad bit stunned for a second or two, but soon replaced her surprised expression with a cordial smile.

"Yeah! Want to try it? Harry Potter brings you in adventures you'd never think of by yourself and it filled a gap in my heart I never thought could be filled!"

I giggled a bit. I supposed if we were going to be roommates, the least I could do was find out more about the book she loved so much.

"I'll pass. But tell me about it!"

She snickered as she sat down on her bed.

"Well, in that case, I hope you've got lots of time to spare. You'll need it."


Lauren burst into the room just as Lia had gone into detail about the epic final battle of Harry Potter.

"Dylan Johnson is the worst," Lauren muttered, apparently loud enough for us to hear.

Darn it. Why did Lauren have to barge in now? The story was just getting good.

"Um...what happened?" I asked, cautiously, afraid to add fuel to her fire.

She shook her head, as if ridding her mind of some horrible memory, or thought, perhaps. At the sight of me sitting on Lia's chair, Harry Potter book in hand, a small grin creeped onto her face.

"How about you guys, huh? What've you two been up to?"

Lia held up her oh-so-precious Harry Potter book and replied,"Oh, nothing much. I was just telling Charlotte about the most amazing book series ever."

I scoffed.

"It ain't that amazing," I muttered, making sure that I said it loud enough.

"Hey! Watch it..." Lia warned, playfully whacking my arm.

I very well would have whacked her back, had Lauren not blurted out," Oh my gosh! Guys, I just remembered that our club results have just come out. We should go check what clubs we're in!"

Lia gasped and added,"Oh yeah, I totally forgot. C'mon, let's go!"

We grabbed our cell phones and wallets and headed downstairs.

"Here it is, guys," I announced when we had reached the notice board located at the ground level of our dorm room building.

"I didn't know that," Lauren sarcastically retorted.

Ignoring her comment, I scanned through the list of names until I finally found mine.

Charlotte Anne McKenzie: Newspaper Club.

That was pretty much expected, considering the fact that hardly anyone else seemed to sign up for it.

James Tyler Evans: Track and Field.

That was expected too.

Lauren Stacie King: Swimming Team, Newspaper Club.

Lauren?! Newspaper club?! The two did not seem to go well together. How did this happen? My eyes went further down the list.

Lia Autumn Anderson: Newspaper Club.

As if she read my thoughts, Lauren blurted out, "You have got to be kidding me. First room mates, now club mates?! What on earth is the school trying to do? Torture us?"

"Darn. Sucks for you." I suddenly became aware of Dylan Johnson's voice behind us. I could almost hear him smirking.

"Go away, Uhu," Lauren said, annoyed.

"Whatever you say, Princess." I heard the sound of footsteps growing fainter and laughter that almost sounded evil. Meanwhile, Lauren was clenching and unclenching her fists.

"What is that dude's problem..." Lia muttered.

If looks could kill, Lauren would probably have been arrested for murder by then.

"He just wants to ruin your day," I said to Lauren, who was practically seething with anger."Who does he think he is, anyway? He always picks on you."

She forced a weak smile and said,"Yeah, he should totally get a life."

Out of the blue, Lia suddenly yelled,"Hey Uhu! Get a freaking life, will you?"

Uhu actually stopped short for a few seconds before he continued walking. Many would probably think that he was not at all bothered by the comment, but to me, one thing was for sure: that could very well have been the first time I had heard no retaliation from that boy.

Nailed it, Lia.


Hey hey!! Chapter 6 is up YAYYYY!
Hope y'all like it! Comment your thoughts :D
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