3. The Beginning {Charlie}

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In all my 14 and a half years, no other feeling of exhilaration could compare to what I was feeling today as Mom pulled into the gorgeous campus I had been longing to attend for years.

Okay, here's the backstory in it's summarised form: my full name is Charlotte Anne McKenzie (or simply 'Charlie' to my friends and family), and I'm a soon-to-be sophomore at Briar Woods Academy. I won't actually go into full detail on how I got accepted into such a prestigious school like this, unless, of course, you are willing to hear about the events of 3 gruelling years spent at school and tuition trying to get a simply sophisticated scholarship. That's a story for another day.

Elsewhere (otherwise known as the school's car park), I couldn't (and, in fact, wouldn't) stop blabbering on and on about the possible outcomes of my first day at the new school.

" What if the kids don't like me? How do I look? Weird? Funny? Horrible? What if I forgot something? It's not too late to turn around...is it?" I nervously bit my lip.

Mom, in her gentle and reassuring tone, never fails to comfort me even in those times where I freak out and come this close to losing it.

"Honey, calm down! It's perfectly normal to get first day of school jitters, but don't forget to enjoy yourself too! Time is precious, remember? So what good is it worrying? It won't make things better, and yes, it is too late to turn around. So just enjoy your day and make the best out of it, worry-free."

And with that, she embraced me in one of those hugs she always uses to make me feel better in times like these. They always seem to work.

"I love you, Mom. You always know what to say," I said as we pulled away.

"I love you too, and you know it. Now go have an adventure! Don't forget to call home too."

"Of course I won't forget, and you know it."

She gave me a light kiss on the cheek and as I walked towards the school building, luggage and all, she remarked," you look great, by the way. That blouse makes you look ravishing."

I grinned and approached my home and school for possibly the next few weeks with some newfound confidence.

The adventure was beginning.


The office was just as I had expected it to look like. Glass cabinets containing the shiniest trophies. A black leather sofa facing it. A large, brown desk with a petite secretary sitting behind it.

The secretary's fingers seemed to be dancing on the keyboard of her MacBook. Only when I nervously cleared my throat did she actually look up. "Can I help you?" She asked in a sweet, clear voice.

Could she help? What did transfer students usually ask on their first day?

" Erm...I'm a transfer sophomore here, and I was wondering where to get the keys to my room?" It sounded more like a question than an answer. Calm down and take it easy, I reminded myself.

"Oh yes", she nodded,"what's your name?"

"Charlotte McKenzie."

She glanced at the screen of her laptop momentarily before nodding.

"Charlotte. Yes, we were expecting you. I'm afraid Headmaster Johnson is in his office having a discussion with another transfer student. I could call up a student councillor to help you."

As if on cue, a tall, brown-haired girl entered the office. A badge was pinned to her collar and from where I was standing, I caught a glimpse of the word 'councillor'.

"What excellent timing! Jane, could you please escort the new girl to Room 332? That would be great," the secretary chirped. She then passed a key to the councillor, aka Jane.

Taken aback by the suddenness of the request, Jane's eyes widened a bit before they fell on me. Instantly she grinned when she (probably) saw my nervous expression.

"Sure, I'll do it."

I was positively certain that Jane was trying to engage me in some small talk as we walked down the hall, passing many other rooms, which probably already had one or two students in them.

Since most of the things Jane chatted with me about didn't require a reply, I kept quiet and occasionally nodded and smiled as she spoke. And boy, did she talk! I decided I liked her already.

"Well, looks like we're here already! Wow, Time flies fast when you're having fun, doesn't it? I'll leave you to unpack, unless you want me to do it for you," she joked.

I giggled. "I'm good, thanks."

"You talked! You should totally talk more, your voice is great, you know? You're probably as nervous as anything but it's okay, the first day is always tough. Things get better when you make some friends."

"Surprisingly, I think I've already made one!" I exclaimed.

Jane beamed. " I like having someone who listens to me without commanding me to 'shut up', or 'stop talking, because seriously, the only warm thing you've done is make my blood boil'. We should hang out more! I stay at Room 424 if you need anything. See you around, friend."

And with that we said our goodbyes and she turned and walked down the hallway.

"That wasn't too bad", I muttered once I was absolutely certain she wouldn't hear me," not too bad at all." Then I stepped into the room.

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