age: 23

497 21 12

When Harry turns twenty-three, he and Louis have been drifting apart for a long while. Harry can't pin point the exact day it happened, or even why it happened, but he does know that since October, he'd seen Louis less and less.

There's rumors of them breaking up, which haven't exactly helped anything. The band hasn't done anything new, so the fans speculation could just be from lack of seeing the boys out in public promoting anything together.

They had no way of seeing behind closed door, but if they did, Harry is sure they would think the same thing anyways.

Louis calls him the night of his birthday; Harry has spent the whole day at the flat, waiting for Louis to surprise him with a party, or sex or even just a cupcake.

"I won't make it home tonight," Louis says, and Harry thinks he hears a distant giggle on Louis' end of the line, but he might just be imagining it. "I'm sorry."

So Harry spends his twenty-third birthday shoving a candle into a leftover sandwich he find in their refrigerator and wishing for Louis to come back to him.

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