age: 59

385 21 2

When Harry turns fifty-nine, Liam calls to say that Danielle and him won't be able to make it to dinner.

"She's feeling a bit ill," he says, but something in his voice catches and Harry's heart pounds uncomfortably in his chest.

Something isn't right, and he doesn't like that. He feels older than ever.

Michelle moved out a few months ago, and Zach and Liza were living in a flat on the other side of town, so Louis takes Harry out for birthday dinner.

They go to an old restaurant they used to frequent, way before they had kids, and Harry looks around at all the young people on dates.

He feels even older.

"Do I look old?" He asks suddenly, and Louis pauses, his fork halfway raised to his mouth.

"You look just as good to me as you did when I first met you at boot camp," Louis says, with overpowering amounts of sincerity in his eyes. Harry swallows thickly and manages a smile, reaching out and covering Louis' hand with his own.

That night he wishes to learn to be as loving as Louis.

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