Part 2 - Memories

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Aveline stood in front of the oven, her thoughts drifting as she watched the croissants slowly rise under the heat. Despite the comforting routine of the bakery, her mind kept returning to Jared and their relationship. Memories pulled her back five years, to when it all began.

It was at a grand reception hosted by the Harper and Scott families. The Scotts, an influential family in Pinebrook, owned numerous local businesses, while the Harper were known for their prestigious law firm. 

That night, the Harper house was illuminated with thousands of lights, every room decorated with understated elegance.

Aveline, twenty-three at the time, wore a midnight blue satin dress that highlighted her graceful figure. Her chestnut hair was styled in an elaborate bun, with a few strands framing her radiant face. Her blue eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. She knew the evening was important, but she didn't yet grasp how significant it would be.

In another room, Jared Harper, then twenty-seven, was also preparing. His perfectly tailored black suit emphasized his imposing stature and sharp features. His dark hair was impeccably styled, and his piercing black eyes, often cold, reflected intelligence and determination. Jared wasn't particularly enthusiastic about the reception, but he also knew it was a family obligation.The evening progressed, guests mingled, and laughter echoed through the halls. Aveline, after exchanging pleasantries with several guests, decided to get some fresh air in the garden. She moved away from the crowd, enjoying the tranquility. 

It was there that she saw him for the first time.

Jared stood apart, near a fountain, watching the water sparkle under the lights. He seemed lost in thought. Aveline, curious, approached him quietly. When he looked up and met her gaze, she felt a shiver run through her.

"Good evening," she said with a shy smile. "I'm Aveline."

He looked at her for a moment before responding. "Jared. Pleased to meet you."

Their first conversations were formal, almost cold. But as the evening wore on, Aveline discovered in Jared a thoughtful man, passionate about his work, but also burdened by heavy family expectations. Jared, for his part, was intrigued by Aveline's warmth and simplicity, which contrasted so starkly with his own world.

The following weeks were marked by orchestrated meetings arranged by their families. Dinners, outings in town, everything was carefully planned. Initially, these encounters were stilted and filled with awkward silences. But slowly, something began to change.

One evening, during a dinner at an upscale restaurant, Aveline noticed the way Jared's eyes softened when he talked about his favorite books. She had mentioned her love for reading, and for the first time, she saw a glimpse of genuine interest in his eyes. They spent the rest of the dinner discussing literature, and Aveline found herself drawn to his intellect and passion.

Another time, while walking through a park, Jared shared a rare, candid moment from his past. He talked about his late mother, and Aveline saw a vulnerability in him that he usually kept well hidden. She reached out and touched his hand, offering silent comfort. For a brief moment, his fingers tightened around hers before he pulled away, but the connection was undeniable.

Aveline began to look forward to their meetings. She appreciated the small acts of kindness he showed, like the way he would open doors for her or remember her favorite dessert. There was a subtle, unspoken understanding growing between them, and she found herself longing to break through his icy exterior.

One rainy afternoon, they were caught in a downpour after a visit to a museum. They laughed as they ran to take cover, and for the first time, Aveline saw Jared smile—a genuine, unguarded smile that made her heart skip a beat. They huddled under a small awning, dripping wet, and she felt an inexplicable warmth spread through her.

Despite the arranged nature of their relationship, Aveline couldn't help but fall for the glimpses of the man Jared truly was beneath his cold facade. She admired his dedication to his work and his sense of duty to his family. She found herself yearning to be the one who could bring warmth into his life, to be the person who could make him smile more often.

Then, in her memory, came the day their parents spoke openly about their intentions. They wanted to unite the two families through the marriage of their children. Aveline and Jared, though surprised, quickly understood that refusing was not an option. The expectations were clear, and the weight of family responsibilities loomed heavily over them...The engagement was announced shortly after, and their interactions became even more frequent. Aveline immersed herself in the idea that, with time, Jared might open up to her, that they could build something real despite the arranged nature of their union.As the engagement period continued, she began to notice more about Jared. She saw the subtle way his eyes softened when he looked at her, the way he seemed to relax just a little in her presence. There were moments of shared laughter, rare but cherished, that hinted at the potential for something deeper.

One particular evening stood out in Aveline's memory. They had attended a charity gala together, and after the event, they took a walk by the lake. The moonlight reflected off the water, casting a serene glow. Jared spoke about his dreams, his ambitions, and his fears. It was the most open he had ever been with her, and she felt a surge of affection and hope. She realized that beneath his cold exterior, Jared was a man capable of deep feelings, someone who had been hurt and learned to protect himself.

The bell above the bakery door jingled, pulling Aveline back to the present. She discreetly wiped away a tear before turning to greet the new customer with her usual smile. But deep in her heart, the memory of those early days with Jared, and the slow, tentative way she had fallen for him, continued to resonate, a bittersweet melody that refused to fade away, for now ...

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