{24} - Her Gift

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Cheryl's sudden and echoing laughter makes me regret roughly every decision I have made during the past month.

"My, you really do have the most pessimistic mind! I thought you trusted me." She pouts mischievously.

"Then, why am I here? The worst-case scenario of me dying seems likely..!" I admit, half-exasperated.

"No. And, Tanza... Killing you is not the worst thing I could do to you. But that's not what we're here for, and you'd know that if ya'd let me get to my point."

Fortunately, she seems amused and not murderous. But what do I know?

She speaks. "Not enough, but I will teach you, if you'll let me. If you have any questions, we can proceed in that manner. Or I can do things my way"

"I thought you always did things your way?" I joke, on edge yet calmly.

"If you insist..." She snickers and sets her hands upon the back of her hips. "We want the same thing: to rid Gotham of its filth and of the scumbags who rule it using terror and needless slaughter to keep their power... Am I wrong?"

I exhale shakily.

"No, I want that, but... Your boyfriend?"

"You and me, we're not as different as you think, Peanut. Me and him... We use each other, we always have."

I did not mean to use her, though, it just happened. I would not approach someone solely to exploit them and never would I let such a twisted, dishonest rapport grow into a relationship.

"Please, call it what it is. What The Bull and I got is a transaction. He's an asset, not a partner. But I want a partner, I want you to work with me. You saved my life when that bus crashed and you deserve a gift... Something better than just my gratitude."

Is it a duffel bag filled with bricks? Because I'd take another limousine ride...

"What do you mean, exactly, by 'work with you'..?" I am considerably uneasy when she answers my thoughts, so I prefer enunciating my questions, no matter how pointless it is.

Cheryl lifts her forearms, slightly moving them away from her body. Instantaneously, an unknown material begins to spread from the inside of her palms, then across her torso, up her neck and down her legs, transforming her clothes, which I realize are morphing into a suit of some kind... Her hair, from its roots, is turning from brown to a deep brownish olive green color, as well as her eyebrows from what I can discern..! The last touch is a hood that appears behind her collar and flops down with gravity once it is complete. Her strands of hair briskly coagulate into a ponytail, moved by an invisible force and allowing her to pull the hood over her head, using both hands. They are, incidentally, covered by black fingerless gloves. The entire outfit is crafted with what I can only describe as a supple and shiny leather component, textured in alternate ways to create dimension and interest. Where it is not pure black, the costume is colored with multiple shades of green and purple, along with a few accents in dark red and silver.

The most striking aspect is a diamond-shaped gem, the size of a clock watch's face. It is inserted in the center of her covered cleavage and bears ressemblance to an emerald, carved into a pivoted square. I believe it is meant to mimic her necklace... Oh. Of course.

"Does it have healing powers? Your necklace? Because of the stone on it..."

"It's not just any stone..."

My friend strolls over to the mysterious bag. With a whisk of her right hand, the sports bag immediately opens. Bright green light pours out, causing me to avert my eyes.

I slowly bring my pupils onto it again, as a gigantic uneven crystal steadily floats out of the bag and hovers to a stop next to her outstretched hand, now glowing faintly and sparkling at its borders. Cheryl looks up from it, her irises are shimmering in the exact tint of the jagged, translucent rock and so is the inlaid gem over her chest.

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