Simon died on the operating table, 21 minutes after Max and I got him into emergency care.
Even if I was trying not to think about it too much, my helplessness haunted me throughout the evening. Foul Play did not hold my mood against me and suggested that we skip the clubbing to spend all night chasing crooks and stealing from crime bosses instead. I eagerly accepted, making yesterday night the most satisfying I have had in a while.
Respecting the decision that Cheryl made for me, today, she knocks on my front door at around 1h50 PM. I let her in, uneasy at the knowledge that Cedric and Joseph assuredly watched her come up to my apartment through the slits of their blinds.
My friend laughs, combing back her silky brown hair with her fingers.
"Hi, Peanut! Your neighbors seem nice."
"Hey! You're looking for another four-letter word that starts with 'n'..."
I sigh, smirking and shutting the door behind her, then locking it.
"Nosy? No wonder y'all get along so amazingly!" she teases me, undoubtedly referring to the beginning of our relationship.
The gangster arches her body backwards slightly, and her black fur coat snatches itself off, telekinetically hanging itself.
I chuckle, admitting, "Very funny. Would you like something to drink? Water or juice, tea? I have milk."
I lean back against the kitchen counter, leading her inside my living space. Her black high heel boots thunk pleasantly across the flooring as she steps closer to my couch. She gracefully sits on its nearest arm.
"I'm not thirsty, thank you. Do you remember when I told you it was possible to immerse yourself or others fully inside a mind?"
A jolt of excitement sparks up in my chest.
"Well... We've covered all the basics, haven't we? You know about thoughts..." She lifts an index finger and her entire body from my furniture, twirling across the floor. "Data..." She lifts a second finger, sliding backwards and to the left. "Memories..." She pirouettes, exhibiting a third finger. "You're missing just one piece..! Psychic realities." She claps her hands together.
I smile, feeling a tiny bit awkward.
"Um... That sounds cool, but I don't know how to access memories, only the data or thoughts related to them. And most of it is surface information, I haven't dug into a mind beyond what you told me I could do..."
The young woman snickers, heading towards me and plopping down on a bar stool.
"I don't have to teach you how to get what you want. If you haven't done it, it's because you haven't tried, hon." Her voice is mischievous.
"What about memories?"
"You'll figure it out... They're easy to find, they're basically just data with sound and pictures!"
"But they're more complex, right? Logically, data would come from the memories themselves..?" I guess, scratching the nape of my neck.
Cheryl's green eyes almost light up and she grins proudly.
"Yes, they would. See? This immersion thing's gonna be a piece of cake!"
"If you say so." I exhale, confidently inquiring, "Where do we start?"
A cheeky glint crosses her glance. "In your bedroom."
/That's not what I meant... Also, why my bedroom?/

Fascinating Villains
Action[ONGOING] "You're delusional. I should've seen it before..." ~~~~~~~ Tanza is an agender paramedic. They rely solely on themselves, and the last thing they need is for an incredibly attractive supervillain to disturb their (relatively) quiet existen...