Breathing slightly more raggedly and faster than usual, I shakily turn my face to my right, then to my left...
I am either floating or... Lying on a layer of blue energy?
And I'm alive.
Completely unharmed as things stand.
"I knew you could do it! Woo-hoo! Oh, man, look at you! You're phenomenal, Esperanza!" Foul Play's joyful and technologically distorted shouts make my heart skip a beat.
The thought of having scarcely escaped a terrible collision or death itself had made me forget the full situation, notably that I have an audience. And that the spectator in question, who is flying down to meet me, is also the cause of my aforementioned near-death experience.
I hesitantly push my torso up with my arms against the undetermined glowing blue substance. It is... Solid, but confusing. It is intangible and does not possess any texture at all, however the smooth and even surface exists or else I would be touching the asphalt underneath it. If it were invisible, I would compare it to an imperceptible force, similar to Cheryl's telekinesis when she used it on me. The fact that it appears like a colorful field and emits light is considerably bizarre for an ignorant human mind to grasp. No offence to myself, I simply cannot comprehend whatever this is, yet. I suspect this to be the kryptonite energy the vigilante told me I would be able to control, actually. Disappointingly, I have no further indications than that.
Exhaling softly, I slowly rise, expecting the mysterious material to burst under my knees or flatten under the weight of my feet. On the contrary, it supports me, even standing up. And my friend, settling next to me against the peculiar apparition.
"Quick question," I more or less snap, surprised to hear my voice in the same electronically modified tones as hers. I anxiously demand, chuckling in stupor, "What..? The hell?! You could've killed me, Cher..!" My lips are forcefully sealed shut, I mumble the last syllable of her name inside my cheeks.
Did she use her telekinesis to do that? I did not see her move any part of her body...
"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." she playfully chides. "It's Foul Play, honey."
I feel my mouth recovering its mobility.
I distractedly agree, "Right." I swiftly focus back on what is truly important, pointing at the slab of blue light. "Is that kryptonite energy?"
/In its solid form, yes. Do you like the color?/
I smile behind my new mask, the nearly cerulean sky blue tint is definitely to my taste.
/Yes... Did you need to push me off the roof for my powers to activate or..? Is there an easier way to ignite them?/
/Of course!/ She replies, amused. /But this was the fast way. And... I had to teach you the only thing that matters./
"Don't stand too close to the edge of a roof?" I taunt her, slowly forgiving her for attempting to murder me.
/Never let your guard down./
Her voice twists menacingly between my thoughts, and I wonder if she did that on purpose or if my mind is playing tricks on me.
The vigilante unexpectedly grabs my left forearm, only as long as she walks around my person.
/You are lucky this place is abandoned enough to make Ozum's Circus seem lively..! 'Cause leaving traces of your handiwork.../
She drags one of her black high heel boots into the shimmering blue substance, etching a long scratch in it. As though that is not surprising enough, the damaging gliding of her shoe emits the sound of fingernails against a blackboard. Cheryl abruptly ceases cutting into the kryptonite energy, promptly lifting her leg behind her in a way that ressembles a ballet movement.

Fascinating Villains
Action[ONGOING] "You're delusional. I should've seen it before..." ~~~~~~~ Tanza is an agender paramedic. They rely solely on themselves, and the last thing they need is for an incredibly attractive supervillain to disturb their (relatively) quiet existen...