The brunette is leaning against the wall to my right.
Gawking at her, I lift my eyebrows and exclaim, "Why are you dressed like that!?"
The alluring young woman is clad in a sexy nurse outfit made of a cheap, nearly see-through plasticky fabric, like a badly manufactured Halloween costume.
Did I..? No. Oh, my God. Hell, no..!
She strolls toward me, teasing me, "Why do you think? It's your mind, Peanut."
Her crossed arms are pushing up her... Her not exactly repulsive breasts as she comes to a stop closer to me. I glance down at her, my body feeling stiffer than a metal pole on the bus. I fear that any movement could send my eyes down her exposed cleavage or scouting the sheer material of the white dress for her nipples.
Her clothes suddenly shift back to normal, and I exhale loudly, any tension releasing my shoulders.
"I'm so sorry, Cheryl, I..." I let my apology trail off, recognizing an amused glint in her bright emerald eyes. I lightly nip my tongue, snickering nervously. "Did you do that on purpose?" I calmly ask her, playfully reproachful.
"Maybe..!" She winks at me. "You shoulda seen your face!"
Watching her bite her index finger's top intersection and laughing, I cannot help but hold her joyful stare and laugh as well.
Even inside my own mind, Cheryl is undeniably in absolute control of the situation.
"I'm guessing the whole exercise wasn't just entering my mind and messing around for two minutes?"
My attempt to rein back her immature outburst is successful, and Cheryl steps backwards in the corridor to put some distance between us. I have discerned this habit of hers to stride about a room, away from me, whenever she teaches me something.
"So serious and studious, aren't ya..?! What do you remember about personal psychic realms, like yours?"
I hum thoughtfully.
/They're like shared psychic realities, except centered inside one person's mind. The main advantage of bringing others into your psyche is that you have more influence, unless your opponents are stronger telepaths than you. In that case, you should try to fight them in a joint reality, although I am partial to a good defense instead./
My friend claps enthusiastically, before launching into an explanation.
"If you are more powerful here, it's because you control your mind. Whatever you believe is happening happens, that's how a mind works. Two factors are at play: your raw psychic potential..."
She lifts her left palm, aimed at the ceiling, as though she is holding an invisible bowl.
"And your willpower."
To represent the second factor, she repeats the movement with her right hand.
"However, if your beliefs are strong..."
She swiftly brings her right hand up, in alignement with her chest, clenching her fist with determination.
"Any talented telepath will struggle to harm or deceive you."
She unfolds her fingers and lets both of her hands fall at her sides.
"We can practice with already established beliefs. You need to have unshakable faith."
A nearby pair of doors blow out of their frame with a deep metallic screech, crashing loudly against the left wall. An omnipresent whirl of red smoke barrels out from the opening, spreading like a sand storm into the entire hallway. Over the piercing whistle of the wind, voices scream in English and Spanish and blend into each other.

Fascinating Villains
Action[ONGOING] "You're delusional. I should've seen it before..." ~~~~~~~ Tanza is an agender paramedic. They rely solely on themselves, and the last thing they need is for an incredibly attractive supervillain to disturb their (relatively) quiet existen...