Aurelia Begins

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" was one hell of day. Lia, you wanna go grab dinner?" Buck said with a tired grin as they climbed out of the fire truck. The day had been relentless, a rollercoaster of emergencies and rescues that tested them all.

Aurelia looked up at him, exhaustion etched into her features but a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She nodded gratefully. "Sure. I could definitely use a break."

They walked together towards the firehouse, their gear heavy but their spirits lighter now that the shift was over. Buck glanced over at Aurelia. "You did great out there, by the way," Buck said, sincere admiration in his voice. "That save with the kid? Impressive stuff."

Aurelia shrugged modestly, a hint of pride glinting in her eyes. "Thanks, Buck."

"You wanna grab Italian tonight?" Buck suggested as they headed towards their lockers to change out of their gear. "There's that new place that opened up downtown."

Aurelia nodded in agreement. "Sounds good. I could use some carbs after today."

As they changed into their civilian clothes, the weight of the day began to lift. Buck glanced over at Aurelia, noting the exhaustion in her eyes despite her tough exterior. He knew she carried more than just the physical toll of their job - the memories, the losses, and the unspoken grief that haunted her.

Aurelia stood in front of her locker, her gaze fixed on a worn-out teddy bear nestled inside. Its faded fur and threadbare seams bore witness to years of comfort sought in moments of solitude. She reached out tentatively, running her fingers over the soft fabric, tracing the contours of its face as if seeking solace in its familiar presence.


A young Aurelia, around five years old, stood in the doorway of a living room, her small frame trembling with confusion and fear. Tears streaking down her cheeks, her grip tight on a teddy bear.

"Daddy?" Her voice small and quivering, echoing in the empty space. "Daddy? Where are you going?"

Her father, Luke, tall and weary-looking, stood by the door, his back to her. He hesitated, his hand on the doorknob, torn between duty and a personal struggle that Aurelia couldn't understand.

"I... I have to go, sweetheart," Luke's voice strained, the weight of his words heavy with sorrow and indecision.

"But why? Are you coming back?"

Her father turned slightly, guilt and pain etched on his face as he was met with Aurelia's tear-filled gaze. "I... I don't know, Aurelia."

"But... I need you."

Luke's expression tightened with emotion, torn between his own demons and the heartbreaking sight of his young daughter pleading for him to stay. His eyes betrayed the turmoil within him, grappling with the conflicting desires of duty and paternal love.

"I know, sweetheart. I'm sorry." Luke's voiced cracked. He turned away, unable to face her anguish any longer. With a heavy heart, he opened the door and stepped out into the unknown, leaving Aurelia behind in a world suddenly colder and emptier.

"Daddy!" She clutched her teddy bear tighter, her cries echoing through the empty room as the door closed behind him.

Present day

"You okay?" Buck asked softly, concern evident in his voice.

Aurelia looked up from the worn-out teddy bear she was staring at, meeting his gaze with a faint smile. "Yeah. It's... just one of those days, you know?

Buck nodded understandingly, silently acknowledging the layers of emotion that they both carried beneath their firefighter personas.

"Well, dinner's on me tonight," Buck declared with a grin, attempting to lighten the mood. "Consider it a thank you for keeping me sane during all this craziness."

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