Aurelia Begins 2

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Present day

"Athena?" Aurelia opened the door.

"Heard you need a friend," Athena said with a comforting smile.

"Bobby tell you?" Aurelia asked, a hint of surprise in her voice.

"Nope. Hen did. You're not that great at hiding your emotions, you know that?" Athena replied with a touch of humor.

Aurelia chuckled softly, though it was tinged with sadness. "Haha, very funny."

Athena pulled out a chair and sat down beside her. "Seriously though, how are you holding up?"

Aurelia sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "Terrible."

Athena nodded understandingly, her expression thoughtful. "Remember what I told you that day at the police station?"

Aurelia looked up, her eyes meeting Athena's with a mix of curiosity and recognition. "Yeah, 'You have a strength in you.'"

Athena smiled softly. "Exactly. And that strength is still there, Lia. Even in moments like this."


Aurelia sat patiently in the waiting area of the police station, her mind wandering as she waited for Athena. Amidst the hustle and bustle, a poster caught her eye. It advertised recruitment for firefighters and paramedics.

Curiosity piqued, Aurelia approached the poster, studying it intently. The idea of a new path, one where she could make a difference, appealed to her deeply.

"You have a strength in you, Lia. The fire department could use someone like you," Athena's voice broke through her thoughts from behind.

Aurelia turned to see Athena approaching with a reassuring smile. "You think so?"

"I know so," Athena affirmed. "Look, if you're interested, I can introduce you to someone."


"This is Henrietta. Hen, for short."

Aurelia turned to see a warm and welcoming woman approaching. "Hi, I'm Aurelia, but you can call me Lia."

Hen smiled warmly, extending her hand. "Hi Lia, it's nice to meet you."

From that moment on, Aurelia found herself drawn into the world of first responders. She spent more time at the firehouse, learning from Hen and Chimney, forming close bonds with them.


"Hey guys!" Aurelia called out cheerfully as she entered the firehouse.

"Lia!" Tommy shouted, grinning widely and engulfing her in a hug.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on bed rest?" Chimney asked with concern as he approached.

Aurelia shrugged sheepishly. "I am, but I can't stay cooped up there. I'm going insane."

"Lia," Hen warned gently, concern etched on her face.

"Fine, I'll go home," Aurelia said with a sigh, waving goodbye to the crew. But as she turned to leave, she suddenly froze in place.

"Guys, I think my water just broke," Aurelia exclaimed, her voice tinged with both surprise and urgency.

Hen and the rest of the crew immediately sprang into action, their training kicking in. Chimney rushed to Aurelia's side, offering support as they guided her toward the exit.

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