Ch 11: Coincidence? I Think Not

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Husker's pov

It's been a few days since I saw that girl Monday night. I haven't been back to the human world since then. I've been at this lousy hotel working like a dog for my boss. All because I've been missing for the past couple of nights. I mean can you really blame me for leaving?

"I hope she's doing alright." I think as I'm wiping an empty glass.

"I should check on her." I mumble out loud, not knowing that a certain spider is behind me.

"Check on who?" Angel asks.

"No one." I say bluntly, placing the glass on the bar.

"Oh no it's gotta be someone. Come on, who's the girl? What's her name?" He asks, sitting on one of the bar stools.

"I don't know." I say, getting irritable.

"Oh yes you do baby cakes." Angel says, leaning in closer.

I keep quiet as I grab a bottle of cheap booze and start chugging it as I get lost in my own thoughts.

"Fuck. She knows my name but I didn't get hers." I think to myself as I finish off my bottle.

I place the now empty bottle on the counter, sighing in frustration as Angel continues to interrogate me about this.

"Oh come on, Husk tell me I'm dyin here." He complains.

"I can't tell you cause I don't know her name! Now leave me alone!" I yell.

"Alright alright geez.." Angel says,  holding his hands up in surrender.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice that Alastors shadow is acting out of the ordinary. Instead of remaining invisible like it usually does, it's wandering around the parlor with a look of joy on its face.

"What the hell?" I think to myself as I continue to look at it wandering around.

Usually his shadow stays hidden unless he gives it an order, so why is it out now?

Wait.... now that I think about it, Alastors shadow has been acting like this for a while now. Ever since I met that girl in the human world.

"Could it be that his shadow is reacting to her when she's killing people? Is she and Alastor somehow connected?" I think as I continue to watch in silence.

Then the shadow screeches causing everyone to cover their ears, shattering the glass in the hotel as it suddenly disappears.

"What the fuck was that about?!" Angel yells.

Alastors Pov

In all of my years as the radio demon my shadow has never behaved in this way. It always remained hidden only to appear when I picked my next victim to broadcast their screams on the air or when summoned by me. So why is it acting like this now?

I look over at the bar seeing that Husker and Angel are having a discussion about something or rather someone. My ears twitch as I listen to the conversation.

"Who's the girl?"

"Girl?" I think as I continue listening.

"I can't tell you who she is cause I don't know her name! Now leave me alone!"

"Alright alright geez..."

My shadow releases a blood curdling screech, causing me and everyone else to cover their ears until it disappears.

"What the fuck was that about!?"

I sit there looking where my shadow once stood thinking of who this girl might be. Is she a sinner residing here in hell? Or is she amongst the living?

"Only one way to find out." I think to myself as I stand, making my way over to the bar.

"Husker my good man... a word?" I say.

"Yeah, what do you want?" Husk asks rather irritably.

"I overheard your conversation with Angel about some girl?"

Husker tenses for a moment before responding.

"Yeah and what about it?" He says.

"I was wondering if you knew who this apparent girl might be?" I ask, leaning into the bar.

"No... I don't." He says, looking away.

"Liar." I think as I summon the chain placed around his neck.

"Gah!" He yells as I pull him closer to me.

"I'll ask again, who is this girl you spoke of?" I ask, leaning in even further.

"I....I don't know her name, all I know is that she's a radio host. She's been killing men for the past few days. I don't even think she knows what she's doing. That's all I know!" Husker says as he struggles against the chain.

"Interesting." I say, releasing him.

Husker's pov

"Interesting." Alastor says as he releases me.

I step back from the bar, rubbing my throat as I watch him walk away.

"I need to go back and make sure that my theory about them being connected is wrong and not a coincidence." I think to myself as I make me a shot, downing it as soon as it's poured.

I hope I'm wrong.


Hope you like it 😅

~Molly 📻 💕~

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