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Elena sat on the couch and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper.

Damon and Stefan are coming for you


"He's here." Trevor burst through the room in a panic. "This was a mistake."

"No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me."

"No! He wants me dead, Rose!"

"He wants them more." Rose pointed over to the two girls.

"I can't do this. You give them to him, he'll have mercy on you. But I need to get out of here!"

"Hey. What are we?" Rose looked at Trevor.

"Family" he breathes out

"Forever," Trevor adds to it

There's a knock on the door and Rose leaves three in the room to answer it.

As footsteps begin to come closer, Trevor moves to the opposite side of the room.

The door creaks open and the Original, Elijah, stands there locking eyes with Elena, before he speeds down to her. He sniffs her and she recoils a little.

"Human." He whispers, "It's impossible. Hello there."

Elijah moves his eyes to the unconscious girl on the sofa. His eyes widen from only seeing the girl's profile and her cascading auburn curls flowing down the side of the sofa she lays on. "She's here." He breaths.

"We bumped into her on our travels. I recognized her right away from—" Trevor shakily tells Elijah before he turns to him with a blank look. Wiping any evidence of shock and relief from seeing the girl.

"Yes. I thank you for finding her on my behalf, but most importantly his." Trevor smiles as he glances at Rose. "It's a shame though. Rose's loyalty all those years ago was understandable. Yours, however—-" In an instant Trevor's head is now rolling across the room.

Rose Screams as she glares at Elijah, but he simply states. "Don't." She stops all movement as he continues. "I wouldn't want to ruin things for you on an impulse when I am in such a forgiving mood."

"Come," Elijah says to Elena as he bends down to carry the unconscious girl.

"No, what about the moonstone?" Elena says causing Elijah to stop to turn and look at her.

"What do you know about the moonstone?"

"I know that you need it, and I know where it is."

"Yes," he said to get her to continue

"I can help you get it."

"Tell me where it is" Elijah calmly states glancing down at the girl on the sofa as he felt her stir a little. He heard the doppelganger say something but paid no mind to it before speaking again.

"Are you negotiating with me?" He says and takes a step towards Elena as she moves back a step. He saw Elena's necklace around her neck. "What is this? Vervain around your neck?" He rips the chain off and throws it to the ground.

"Tell me where the moonstone is." He compelled her

"In the tomb underneath the church ruins," Elena responded

"What is it doing there?"

"It's with Katherine"

"Interesting." He responds then looks back down to the girl. The sound of a glass shattering causes all three to glance around. "What is that?" Elijah asks Rose.

"I don't know" She responds. Elijah grabs Elena's forearm leading her to the room from where he heard the sound.

A figure speeds around and Elijah hands Elena off to Rose as he tells her to keep an eye on the girl.

"I don't know who it is," Rose stressed again as she gripped Elena tighter

"Up here" A voice called out grabbing everyone's attention, Elijah sped to the top of the stairs leaving the others at the bottom until a new voice called out "Down here" He was searching for them around the edge of the stairs. He sees the figure's speed once more and the doppelganger is gone. Rushing down the steps, he tells Rose to stand guard of the sleeping girl.

"Excuse me, to whom it may concern, you're making a great mistake if you think you can beat me. You can't. You hear that? I repeat—" Elijah says as he breaks a board in half"--you cannot beat me. I want the girl on the count of three or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?"

Elena moves to the top of the stairs from her hiding spot. Pleading to Elijah, "I'll come with you, just please don't hurt my friends, they just wanted to help me."

As Elijah makes his way to Elena she throws a grenade at Elijah causing him to stumble. Stefan emerges and shoots Elijah with stakes. He tackles him down the stairs as they wrestle each other.

Damon speeds to help his brother and stakes Elijah with a wooden pole pushing him to the door. Elijah begins to dessicate as Damon plunges the stake further into him pushing it through into the wall. Causing Elijah's body to hang there.

Rose stares at Damon and he slowly turns to her. She looks at Elijah's desiccated body and speeds away. He walks to her until Elena speaks up causing him to stop in his tracks looking up to her. "Let her go."

Elena rushes down the stairs as Damon smiles up at her. She runs by him to Stefan as he hugs her asking her if she's alright. Elena grabs Stefan tightly as she looks over his shoulder to Damon and mouths a thank you to him. He nods and turns his head away from the couple.

Damon looks at Elijah and then turns again stopping as he sees a body lying on the sofa. "Um. Not to ruin a moment but, who's the sleeping beauty over there?" He asks as he stares at the girl. He squints his eyes and takes a step before he's pushed to the side.

"AJ!" Elena screams pushing past Damon, kneeling to her unconscious friend. She pushes her hair back and notices a small patch of dried blood on her forehead. She looks down and sees she's still breathing. 

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