2011- Who is AJ?

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"So, Ms. Lockwood—" Damon starts as AJ walks next to him on the sidewalk. "How did you become a Lockwood anyway? We never really talked much about you on our little road trip."

"Well, I was part of the system until I was twelve. I jumped from house to house until my Sheriff Forbes found me on the side of the road. I ran away from an abusive home and she took me into the station. That's where I met my future family. Mom had just happened to be there and she decided to take me in. Six months later I was adopted into the family. I graduated last year, and now travel the country with my pack." She smiles as Damon whips his head to AJ.

"You're part of a pack? As in like full moon pack?" Damon questions her.

"Werewolves?" AJ laughs shaking her head. "I thought you knew? I thought you could smell their scent. But yeah, I've known about the supernatural world since I was little." She pulls down the neck of her shirt to show bitemarks scarred on her neck. Damon stares at it until she lets go of the fabric concealing it again. "That abusive family was a couple that used me as their blood bag. It wasn't until I bumped into this guy that noticed my lost look that he showed what they were doing was wrong. He also gave me vervain as well as a vervain bomb for when I decided to run."

"An–" Damon starts until he catches himself. "AJ. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Wait if you're a—" AJ shakes her head at him before he finishes.

"No. I'm not. I'm fully human. Nothing special about me." She shrugs at him. "Besides my supernatural blood bag story. Then following a pack through the mountains after high school. They taught me how to defend myself, while I helped them stay under the radar." AJ's phone dings, notifying her she got a text. "That's Tyler, telling me I need to get home right away. So dramatic."

"You're leaving me so soon? We didn't even get to finish this amazing coffee chat." Damon whines as he tries to think of a way to keep her near him.

"Sorry. My family calls." AJ takes a step back and smiles one last time before leaving. "I want to thank you again. For picking me up and becoming an unexpected friend. I normally don't trust vampires, but for some reason, I feel as if we knew each other in a different lifetime. I can trust you, which is not an easy thing for me. So thank you. I'll see you around." AJ walks away from Damon; unknowingly and unaware of the impact her words had on the vampire as well as the one that was watching and listening from afar. 

Hey everyone! So I have been slowly updating, but now it will be more spread out again. School is starting up, which means my free time will be dedicated to sleeping and not going insane with schoolwork. 

I wanted to give these next couple of chapters for when I do have the time to write more I have established a few more things. Hopefully, you have enjoyed the story so far! Please make sure to comment and vote. Give me feedback! I love hearing from you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06 ⏰

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