Part 24~The Plan

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"Morning, everyone," Zuko greeted as he walked out, finding the rest sitting at the edge of a cliff. Sokka was staring at his maps while Katara was trying to stop him. Toph and Isu were throwing pebbles off the cliff while Hachi was talking to Iroh.

"Morning, Zuko." Hachi smiled as he took Zuko's hand softly. "Feeling ready?"


"Great, what is your strategy for taking down the Fire Lord? Gonna get your glow on and hit him with a little Avatar State action," Toph questioned as Zuko winced.

"I don't think that's wise. I tend to lose control when in the Avatar state. It could hurt more than help." Zuko hugged his legs as Isu smiled softly.

"Listen, I know it'll be hard to fight your dad, but that's why you've got us. I'm down for punching a dick Dad, any day."

"That's great because your dad is probably gonna be there too," Katara pointed out as Isu hissed.

"Yep. By the end of the dad, I will punch at least one failing dad." Isu grinned as Katara shook her head softly.

Hachi curled into himself as he frowned. "You really think he'll be there?"

Isu nodded. "He hasn't gone home. The spirits are still afraid of us, and he's fucking with everything."

"Why is he in the spirit world?" Iroh glanced across as Isu shrugged.

"I can't say why he was there, to begin with, but I think he's searching for Yeshi now."

"Mother," Hachi whispered as Isu nodded.

"He hasn't found her and Hajiem and I are being cautious and not risking visiting any of our spirit friends. Better safe than sorry."

Katara frowned, turning to face the sea. "Oh no. Sokka, do you think the fog will delay the invasion?" Across the horizon a thick fog drifted across the sea, and Sokka jumped to his feet.

"No. That is the invasion."


Zuko and Toph stood on the shore, earth bending rocks from beneath the water to create a dock.

"You made it, Dad," Katara cheered, hugging her father tightly.

"Were you able to locate everyone I told you to find?" Sokka smiled happily as Hakoda nodded.

"I did. But I'm a little worried, Sokka. Some of these men aren't exactly the 'warrior type'." Hakoda glanced at the swamp dwellers as they walked out of the water.

"This place ain't nothing like a swamp. What you reckon that is, Tho? Some sort of Fire Nation exploding trap what eat ya?" Due pointed into the water, where the rock happily sat undisturbed.

"It's just a rock, Due," Tho explained.

"Well, I'll be."

"Is it just me, or are those fellas a little loose in the leaf-hat?" Hakoda chuckled as Huu stood on the dock.

"Pants are an illusion, and so is death."

The Foggy swamp members clustered together as Haru jumped off the boat. "Hi, Katara."

"Haru!" Katara ran over, embracing him with a wide smile. "It's so good to see you."

"Toph, this is Haru. When we met him, his town was controlled by the Fire Nation. So he had to hide his Earthbending," Isu explained as Haru smiled.

"Your friends inspired me and my father to take back our village."

Tyro walked out, laying a hand on Haru and Katara's shoulders. "You helped us find our courage. Now we're here to help you."

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