Part 25~The Invasion

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"There they are, the Great Gates of Azulon," Hakoda muttered as the ships travelled across the sea.

"I don't see any gates," Katara muttered, but Hakoda knew he was right.

"Katara, you and the swamp benders whip up a fog cover."

"We'll sneak by them statues just like we sneak by that Fire Navy blockade," Tho announced as the fog grew thick, covering the entire fleet.

"Keep it up. We're almost through," Hakoda whispered when suddenly, a bell rang. A huge net rose out of the water and was set on fire. "Everyone below deck." Hakoda turned to his son. "Let's hope your invention works."

Isu gave Zuko a sharp look as she pulled him below deck. "Why do your people have to be so extra."

"I don't know," he hissed back as they followed the crowd down.


"No one's on board, sir," a fire nation soldier called out as he finished going through the ships.

"Where'd they go?" The other soldier frowned in confusion, unaware of the submarines swimming through the water underneath. The waterbenders moved the subs easily as Hakoda smiled, placing a hand on Sokka's shoulder. "You've really outdone yourself this time, son."

"Yeah, congratulations, Sokka. You managed to invent a worse way of travel than flying," Toph grumbled as The Duke tried to soothe her.

"Well, I just came up with the idea. The Mechanist did all the work," Sokka tried to explain as he received a soft look from the Mechanist.

"Now, don't sell yourself short, my boy. It was your idea to use waterbending to make the subs sink and float, brilliant. Though your original deisngs were a bit difficult to decipher. Unfortunately there is one problem I couldn't fix. The subs have a limited air supply. Before we land on the beaches, we'll need to resurface.


The subs broke through the water, hovering in the sea as it refilled its supply.

"So, this is it, huh?" Isu stared at the water, tapping her finger on the metal sub.

"Are you ready to defeat the Fire Nation once and for all?" Sokka grinned as Isu chuckled.

"Yeah. Let's end this war, right Zuko?"

Zuko gave her a shaky thumbs-up as Hachi rubbed his back.

"Everyone listen up," Hakoda called, dragging the attention back to him. "The next time we resurface, it'll be on the beaches. So stay alert and fight smart. Now break time's over, back in the subs."

The people jumped back into their sub, leaving Isu and Katara alone. "Katara, I-" Isu stopped as Katara tried to say something too. "You go first."

"We've been through so many things together, and I've seen you grow so much. You're not just an angry kid with no impulse control anymore."

Isu rolled her eyes with a soft chuckle.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm really proud of you."

"Everything's gonna be different after today, isn't it."

"Yes, it is."

"What if- what if something happens and someone dies or-" Isu wasn't allowed to continue spiralling as Katara took her hand.

"Stop that. Everyone will be fine." Katara placed a kiss on Isu's cheek as she stared at her for a moment before she smiled.

"Let's do it then." They jumped into their respective subs as the hatches were closed.

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