Part 16~Great Grandfather

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"Sozin and I didn't speak or see each other for twenty-five years after our battle. I spent most of my spare time here, at my home."

Roku led Zuko into a new vision, where he was with Ta Min, sleeping comfortably in their bed until the loud crashing woke him.

Roku leapt out of his bed and looked through the window. Fireballs rained from the sky, crashing into the island. Roku and Ta Min fled their room, finding the island in chaos. The air filled with smoke and ash, making it hard to breathe.

Roku coughed, shielding his face as he looked at the erupting volcano. "Let's go." He caught his wife's hand, airbending the smoke and ash away, giving them a path to run through.

Townspeople ran about the streets, trying to escape the waves of black air that poured through them.

Roku led the people to safety, and the lava began to tip over the edge of the volcano. He watched it before he let go of his wife's hand, motioning for her to go on without him.

She looked at him, her arm still outstretched, before she ran to safety, glancing back in the hope that Roku would still take her hand.

Roku turned to face the advancing danger, creating a huge dome to protect himself—a dome that could be seen by the townspeople as they got into their boat. Roku ran up the volcano, and black clouds of smoke grew from below. Lightning rained down from above, and the earth rumbled under Roku's feet.

The resulting landslide buried the town and destroyed it completely. Roku created a gigantic wall, riding it to meet the falling earth and stop it.

As he succeeds, the volcano erupted, ejecting a massive wave of lava. The flow breaches the wall Roku had created, forcing him to retreat. He cut into the earth, creating a channel to divert the lava into the ocean and away from the town.

Zuko gaped at the vision. "This is incredible. You're battling a volcano, and you're winning."

"Unfortunately, my success didn't last long, Zuko. There was no way I could do it all." Roku sighed as Himari stayed quiet for once.

Past Roku focused his attention on the volcano's mouth as it violently exploded once more. He ran to the lava, blowing powerful blasts of air from his mouth, cooling the rocks and making them harden. As he landed, a poisonous gas burst to his right. Roku stumbled back, covering his mouth, air bending the gas away, but the lava had caught up. He cooled it, too, but then more gas came.

"Battling the elements was hard enough. I had to do it while I could barely breathe. The poisonous, volcanic gases were overwhelming," Roku explained as the lightning struck down again, revealing past Fang flying through the air.

It roared, barely missing a blast of erupting lava as he approached past Roku.

"It's all right, Fang. Get out of here. I'm fine." Past ROku waved his hands as he turned, entering the Avatar State. With a powerful blow from his fist, Roku Earth bent a tremor through the volcano, breaking out the back and pouring the lava down the other side.

The second the flow began to reduce, the second volcano erupted. Roku left the Avatar State, hopelessly dropping his head.

"Need a hand, old friend?" Sozin smiled, riding a blue dragon as Roku turned around in shock.


"There's not a moment to waste."

Roku jumped on Sozin's dragon and flew toward the second volcano. Roku bent fire around him, pushing into the crater as Sozin cooled the lava, stealing its heat. The lighting cracked above them as the earth crumbled below Sozin.

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