Part 14~The Past

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Zuko turned over in his sleep as Hachi groaned, blinking awake. "Zuko?" He sat up, looking over Zuko as he sighed, playing with Zuko's hair. It's okay. Whatever it is, it's just a dream." He gently tried to soothe Zuko's mind, but he just continued to toss and turn.


"Hi Zuzu," the young Avatar sang as Zuko took a deep breath.

"Hello, Himari."

"Hi, stupid. Roku says I have to talk to you."

"Why's that?"

"It's time for you to learn the truth. You need to know about your great-grandfather's demise." Himari giggled as she grabbed, staring into his eyes. "Come to Roku's home island on the day of the summer solstice. Don't be late."

Zuko stared at her, unable to find the right words.

"Come come, moron avatar, learn the truth about the past. Come come, moron avatar, or you'll all die." Himari laughed at the end of her song, skipping away until she was out of sight.

"I hate her."


"Tell me again why Roku is making us come all this way just so you can talk to him," Sokka complained as Zuko sat back.

"Roku's technically not my guide. He can only talk to me in places where the divide between the spirit world is already weak or in places he has a strong connection to."

"Right. Couldn't he have chosen a place a bit closer?"

"Land ho," Isu shouted as she pointed through the holes in the cloud that let them see.

"There it is," Iroh confirmed. "That is Avatar Roku's home."

The bison landed as the team jumped off, reviewing what was around them.

"There's nothing here," Katara stated in confusion as Toph jumped out of Pickle's saddle.

"Yes, there is. An entire village, hundreds of houses," she paused as a strong breeze moved the layer of ash along the ground, "All completely buried in ash."

"I still don't get why I'm here. I don't want to know exactly how my great-grandfather doomed the world."

"This is important, Zuko, especially if Avatar Roku asked you here himself," Iroh tried as Zuko sighed.

He sat down, getting into a meditative pose as the rest set up camp.


"Come, Zuko." Avatar Roku stood in front of Zuko, and Himari hid behind him.

"Where're we going?"

"To visit my past. Our shared past."

"Not my past," Himiari laughed. "I was never that old."

"Well, it started when we were much younger," Roku claimed as Himiari stuck out her tongue.

"Boring. Don't just bend to your audience's demands."

Roku shook his head, pulling Zuko onto Fang's back as Himari hopped on. "It did start a long time again when I was still living in the Fire Nation with my friend."


Roku and Sozin exchanged fireballs, spinning, diving, and trying to outmatch the other. That's when Sozin noticed the tree root. He blasted Roku again and again, making him drive back and trip over the root.

Sozin shot forward, grabbing Roku by the shirt. He held him there, raising his hand to finish him off before letting Roku go and hitting the ground. "Looks like I won again, Roku."

Sozin offered out a hand, helping Roku to his feet. "Are you kidding? The tree root did all the work." Roku stretched, patting Sozin on the shoulder. "Nice one, Sozin."


"Wait, you were friends with my great-grandfather?" Zuko stared in shock as Roku nodded.

"Back then, he was just Prince Sozin, and he was my best friend."

Zuko stared in shock as Roku continued his tale.


Roku and Sozin left the courtyard, passing a young Fire Nation lady. Roku stared at her, blushing, as Sozin grinned.

"Say something to her." He nudged Roku's side, giving him a momentary boost of confidence as he walked after the lady.

He raised his hand, attempting to greet her as they both blushed. Unable to take it, he sighed, put his hands on his head, and fell down.

Sozin sat next to him, sprinkling blades of grass on Roku's face.


"Love is hard when you are young," Roku commented as Zuko blushed.

"Yeah, I remember."

"Don't say that as if you've grown out of that phase," Roku joked, blushing as Zuko blushed. Now, come with me. We have a party to attend."

"Wait, whose party is it?"

"Sozin and I shared many things, including a birthday."


Roku and Sozin walked down the stairs, stopping the crowd members, especially two young women. Ta Min, Roku's failed crush, among them. She looked at Roku before looking down and blushing. Her friend leaned over her shoulder, giggling.

Roku blushed as he spotted them, which distracted him and caused him to fall down the stairs. Sozin shot out, grabbing Roku by the wrist and pulling him up. Roku was even more embarrassed now as Sozin laughed at his friend.

The crowd grew quiet as a group of Fire Sages entered the courtyard. They walked toward Sozin and Roku, and Sozin rushed down the stairs to meet them. "Did something happen to my father?"

"No, Prince Sozin. We are not here for you. We're here to announce the identity of the next Avatar. It is our honour to serve you, Avatar Roku." The Fire Sages bowed as Roku stared on in shock.

Sozin looked around the crowd before he turned and kneeled before Roku.


Sozin stood near the doorway, watching his friend sitting in his room with a dejected look. "Hey, why aren't you packed yet, all-powerful Avatar?"

Roku did not respond.

Sozin looked down sympathetically before he smiled. He leapt into the room, attempting to demonstrate bending disciplines. "Come on, show me how it's done using all four kinds of bending."

"I started packing, but then Fire Sages told me I won't need any worldly possessions anymore."

"Oh," Sozin sat next to Roku as he continued.

"It happened so fast. Everything's gonna be different now."

Sozin paused before removing his crown and giving it to Roku. "Here, I hope you're at least allowed to have this."

"But this is a royal artefact. It's supposed to be worn by the Crown Prince."

"I want you to have it." Roku took the headpiece, smiling at it as Sozin stood up. They looked at each other before they bowed.

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