Chapter 1 : Recall

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"Uncle Mix," Dunk called out for his uncle, sobbing

"Dunkien. What happened?" Mix inquired worriedly. 

"Your son had assaulted me." Dunk shows the injuries on his hand and neck. 

"Where's he?" Mix asked fiercely. 

"Here," Joong enters the palace, totally drenched. 

"Why have you beat him?" Mix asked his child. 

"He spoke with that kid." Joong's eyes are crimson with anger. 

"Who is it?" 

"Noi. He even paired with him to drenched me." Joong moved closer to Dunk. Dunk takes cover behind Mix. 

"What happened?" Jan inquired upon entering the palace and hearing a loud voice. 

"Your son is complaining cause I used violence in the reply of drenching me." Joong said before Dunk could respond.

"Dunk." There is literally nothing that Jan could say before Dunk cut him.

"You'll frequently support him. I don't want to hear anything. " Dunk yells and rushes to his room.

"Joong. Have you ever felt like you were going too far? You hurt him because he conversed with Noi. This is beyond you. He has made his own decision. You're being very protective nowadays towards Dunk. He's an alpha. Remember that." Mix knelt before Joong scolding him.

"However, Noi likes him. But dunk belongs to me, only me." Joong lowered his head yet, saying with all of his force of confidence 

"Son, listen to aunt. No one will take him from you. If he is your, then he is, but he also has to know that he belongs to you, right? You can't just make someone yours without their conscious." Jan muttered.

"I didn't want to hurt him, but he didn'tlisten to me and keep playing with Noi." Joong said.

"Ok. I got it. But Joong, you also have friends. And Dunk also wants to have friends expect you and your brothers, right?"


"You understand what Auntie Jan said. Then, go and apologize to Dunk," Mix urged Joong to go to his room.


Joong entered the room and noticed Dunk sitting on the bed. He holds his legs to his chest, hiding his face with his knee and hand. Joong sat before him.

"Dunk?" Dunk didn't respond.

"I apologize."

"Apologize, huh? Don't speak with me." Dunk looks him out. His eyes are red and swollen.

"I'm sorry. I will not repeat it again. I will not hurt you again from now on. I will never hurt you. I'm sorry. I was just upset because you did not pay attention to me. I truly apologize." Joong got gloomy.

"No. I don't want to talk with you." Dunk brushes away his tears.

"I'm sorry, Dunk. Please, I am sorry. Please don't stop talking to me." Joong begins to sob.

"Why .....are y...ou" Dunk questioned.

"Cause.....cause you....said you wouldn't to me."

"You... promise not to do this again?" Dunk questioned. Joong nods his head in agreement. Dunk hugs him.

"I appoligize, Dunk. Can't you forgive me?" Joong asked, burying his face in Dunk's shoulder.

"Yes. I did. But you have to take me out for a walk."

"Of course, my love. I love my Dunkien."

"I also love my chenie," 


"Your Majesty. We have arrived. " Joong opened his eyes and heard his own guardian Force's voice. He can not believe he is dreaming about the past again. He grinned to himself. He is also really scared. He steps out from the carriage.

In front of the palace, he can see his father waiting for him. He approaches him and hugs him.

"How are you, my child?" Earth inquiry.

"I'm okay, Dad." Despite the fact that Earth is his father and king, he never calls him by an honorable name. Indeed, even Earth, like when his son calls him dad.

"How about we go inside? Mama's waiting for you."

He entered the royal house, and someone hugged him before he realized he was there.

"Hi, brother. Miss me?" Pond breaks the embrace and says with a big smile.

"Yes. I did. " Joong shines.

"Hey. Allow me to go to my child. Could I ever find a place to get to him?" Mix said. All of the housekeepers and laborers are present. Watching the finest family moment. viewing their happy king and princes. After four years, they are observing their new ruler.

The young maids are timid because they can't stop smiling when they see the most lovely face of the crown, which has grown in popularity in recent years.

Joong hugs Mix tightly. Mix was not startled but rather concerned. He has a weird feeling about his child. He's never embraced so strongly. Simply do when he's afraid. However, it is possible that he has finally met him after a long period. Who can say for sure?

"I miss you so much, Mama." Joong spoke, breaking the embrace.

"Also, I miss my son. Are you tired?" Mix asks happily.

"A little,"

"You should scrub down and eat something. Then you might want to relax."

"Sure, Mama," 

"Arrange a hot bath for him." Pond informs the maid.

"I'll start moving then. Can I?" Joong requested authorization. Earth nodded and agreed.


Hello everyone.

Hope you all are well. First chapter of Enigma of Crown. I hope you would like it. 🥰

See you next friday with a new chapter.

Bye-bye. 🥰😚

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