Chapter 6

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The next day Harry was lying in his hotel room going through some of the tweets his fans sent and decided to check his Dm's, when he read through a message from @Jay_Tomlinson, instantly interested.
Harry went to Louis' twitter handle looking at his profile picture smiling.
It was a picture of a boy about two years older than himself, looking up at the camera smiling, it probably being a selfie.
He had brown hair swept over his right eye messily, pulling a funny face, his eyes crossed and his lips in a thin line smiling a bit.
Harry thought he looked cute.
He went to his tweets frowning at his recent ones.


Home alone today, mom had meeting. Just wanted to call for take away pizza... and guess what? I can't fucking do that!

It's hard to have a conversation with your best friend if you can't even answer back.

I should've died in that crash.

Harry gasped when he read that one.
He went a bit further to some of his older tweets smiling.


@Harry_Styles's new album. My favourite!

I'm gonna marry Harry one day!

Omg.. just watched a new YouTube video of Harry where he's working out in the gym. At one part he takes some deep breathes with his hands behind his head. It seriously looked like he was having an orgasm. Now I'm hard.

Harry chuckled at that one.
He went to follow him but stopped when a thought came to mind.

Harry stood up going to his bag in the corner of the room quickly pulling on black skinny-jeans, plain black shirt and grey hoody to hide his tattoos.
He went to a separate gym bag pulling out a fake moustache he uses to disguise himself from fans when he went to the shops or something.
He went to the mirror putting it on smiling at how stupid he looked.
Putting on a beanie and sunglasses he went out the door.

I'm here for you (Larry Stylinson AU) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now