Chapter 11

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Louis woke up and saw his mum and Niall standing in the room.
"Morning, Love." Jay smiled kissing him on the cheek.
"Morning, I had the weirdest dream." He sighed looking at a smirking Niall.
"What?" he asked.
"Oh, nothing." Niall chuckled.

After a few minutes of small conversation and Niall smiling like an idiot leaving Louis confused, the door opened and Louis looked up gasping.
"Harry, it wasn't a dream?"
Harry smiled shaking his head sitting down next to Louis.
"I talked to your doctor, he said you can go home."
Louis nodded keeping his stare on Harry.


Jay got Louis' stuff and Niall pushed the wheelchair towards the bed.
Harry watched as Louis struggled to manoeuvre himself off the hospital bed trying to get in the chair.
"Let me help you." Harry said picking Louis up and gently placing him in the chair.
"Thanks." Louis whispered.

Luckily no one recognized Harry as he wheeled Louis out of the hospital towards his own car.
After agreeing Louis let Harry drive him home in his car.

Harry opened the door and put one arm under Louis' leg and the other on his back, lifting him up and placing him in the passenger seat.
Harry closed the door and opened the car trunk, folding the wheelchair and placing it in the car along with Louis' bags.
He climbed into the passenger seat before starting the car and driving off.


When they arrived back at Louis' house, Harry helped him into his chair again.
"Where's your room." Harry asked once Louis rolled himself inside.
"I-I uh, lets just hang out in the living room, yeah?" Louis said nervously.
He didn't want Harry to go inside his room knowing it's walls are covered in posters of him and he may or may not even have a Harry styles blanked covering his bed (which he had to wash various of times for reasons) with matching pillows.

"Come on, Lou, Show me your room!" Harry smiled going behind Louis and pushing him towards the hallway.
"N-no! I'd rather not." Louis blushed.
Harry stopped the wheelchair and bend down kissing under Louis' ear.
Louis let out a soft moan, making Harry smirk.
"Please." Harry begged.
Louis sighed giving in. "There!" He pointed to his bedroom door.

Harry smiled and walked towards it turning the door-handle and stepping in.
Louis covered his face with his hands embarrassed.
"Wow, you weren't joking when you said you're a big fan." Harry smiled looking around.
"Oh god." Louis blushed rolling himself inside the room.

Harry helped Louis onto the bed and sat down next to him.
"That's an awful picture of me." Harry pointed to a poster against the wall on the back of Louis' bed.
"That's my favourite one." Louis smiled.
"Oh..." Harry smirked raising his eyebrow. "Is that the one you wank to?"
Louis looked away blushing furiously.
"Maybe." He whispered.
Harry laughed and his phone buzzed.

"Hey." Harry said answering.
Louis watched as Harry talked.
"Yeah, okay." Harry said before he hung up.

"Lou, do you want to come see me perform Thursday night?"
Louis' eyes widened and he nodded his head.
"Yeah, I mean... I can't." Louis said sadly when he remembered the wheelchair.
Harry saw Louis looking at the wheelchair and frowned.
"You don't have to be in the crowd, Lou. You could come backstage with me, and there's a spot on the side of the stage you cloud sit and watch from."
Louis' eyes lit up and he smiled.
"Yeah, I'd love to."

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