Chapter 7

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Harry arrived at the hospital walking up to the front desk.

"Hi, I'm here to visit an old friend of mine... Louis Tomlinson?" He asked the lady.
She typed on her computer.
"He's in room 220, through those doors on the left." She pointed to a door leading to a hallway.
He nodded and headed towards the room.


Louis sighed looking at Harry's latest tweet.


Today I'm visiting someone special.

Swallowing away the tears that threatened to spill, he felt sad at the thought of Harry dating someone.
He was taken out of his thoughts by someone knocking on the door.
He heard the door opening and footstep walking to his bedside.
Not bothering to look up he heard the person speak.

"Hi, I'm Ha-Donald." Harry quickly corrected himself.
Louis looked up at the man, eying him suspiciously with a raised eyebrow.
The man looked at him before taking a seat next to the bed.
Louis grabbed the note book and pen on the bedside table.

I'm Louis, Who are you and why are you here?

He quickly wrote down and handed 'Donald' the notebook.
Harry read and smiled.
"I'm just a visitor, I just go round the hospital talking to some of the patients, you know? To brighten up their day a bit."
Louis smiled nodding, feeling as if he knows Donald somehow.
"So, can't talk?" Harry asked sympathetically.

Louis shrugged looking at his lap frowning a bit.
"Wanna, know something." Harry whispered.
Louis looked up at him.
"It's a mind over matter thing. I know you can do it Louis."
Louis raised an eyebrow at him thinking this gut must be insane.

"Come on, Lou, I believe in you... just... try...okay?"
Louis stared at him weirdly, but what has he have to lose, Louis thought.
He opened his mouth remembering talking to himself in the mirror the other night.
"Louis, please just try, I'm a stranger, I know, but you can trust me."

They have only known each for about five minutes and felt like they knew each other longer.
Louis opened his mouth but failed to get a word out again.
A tear ran down his cheek and Harry got up wiping it with his thumb.
"I'm sorry, don't cry, I just wanted to hear your voice."

Louis started to feel angry at himself.
"I CAN'T, I'M FUCKING WORTHLES, I CAN'T TALK! I CAN'T WALK!" Louis yelled without realizing.

Harry smirked at him.
"Why are you sm-" Louis cut himself off looking at Harry.
"I knew you could do it, Lou" Harry smiled.
"I-I did it, Donald, I talked, I'm talking, oh god, thank you, how is this happening?"

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