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Lucius pulled his head out of my neck, his tongue laving over the spot he'd been kissing for the past five minutes.

"I don't know why you do all of that when you know I'll have to rinse it all off anyways." Regrettably, this had been our new status quo for the past two weeks. Ever since I stopped by on that fateful Tuesday evening, the two of us were inseparable. After my last class I'd immediately take a detour on my walk home to Lucius's quaint little cottage. The door would be unlocked and I'd step in, warmth attacking my body and I accepted it with open arms every time. I'd also accept Lucius standing in the doorway of the kitchen waiting with piping hot tea in his hand. I'd drink his tea and we'd talk. Sometimes I left after our tea talks, I didn't want my father growing anymore suspicious than he already was though I was beginning to think I was failing at making that happen with the looks he sent my way when I walked through the door of my own home.

Other times, I stayed and we sat on the couch and basked in each other's presence, him trying but failing at discreetly smelling the air around me for a whiff of my blood, me, also trying but failing at mustering up enough confidence to get him to talk more about himself. A part from him being a vampire, being my bloodmate, turning when he was twenty-three, I knew nothing about Lucius. He knew next to everything about me yet I'd surely die if I was held at gun point and asked to name his favorite color.

Recently, my favorite development, was when he'd kiss and nip and lick at my neck like there was no tomorrow. I was sure this was some weird vampire thing but I wasn't complaining. The pleasure was toe curling and the noises he made were to die for. He let my hands explore every inch of back while he devoured the skin under my jaw so between me touching him and him kissing me on one of the most sensitive parts on my body I was in heaven.

My only complaint was that our...sessions never lasted long and Lucius never kissed me on my lips. Our relationship felt more like a friends with benefits situation than us being bonded together by our literal souls. I knew it was because he was still weary about the whole marking thing, which dampened my mood a bit when I remembered that fact, but I was patient and could wait. Not too long though, I was risking both of our lives by indulging him and when it really came down to it only one of us was immortal.

"You love it." The side of my lips quirked up in a half frown and I eyed the smug look on his face with annoyance.

"Love is a stretch. I...thoroughly enjoy it." He made a noise similar to "tuh" and I made a mental note to stop doing that around him.

"You should leave, don't need that bitch getting fussy and souring your mood and simultaneously souring mine as well." My shoulders sagged and I stood up from the couch. He looked up at me, his beautiful eyes contrasted perfectly with his colorless skin. "Ask it, Fallon."

"Why won't you mark me?" Lucius raised a questioning eyebrow.

"I already answered that question, Fallon. Why the sudden change in topic?" It was awkward now, the air between us was still and I shifted my weight onto one foot and looked down.

"I dunno. And yes, I know, consent this, consent that. But what is the real reason. Aside from my crazy ass parents." He shifted in his spot on the couch and looked down at his fingers.

"It is a scary thing to know that you've learned how to read me just as well as I read you." I looked at him through my lashes, he was still burning holes into his fingers, a faraway look rested in his eyes.

"When I was turned, it was not by choice. Far from it actually. I was the victim of a hungry vampire that didn't know how to feed without leaking his venom into me. To make matters worse, I was alone when it happened. Nobody was there to help me through the change so I was forced to turn by myself. It was painful, my insides felt like they had been dowsed in acid and my heart was racing so rapidly the rest of my body couldn't keep up. When it was over, I was overcome by hunger and I accidentally killed my first victim. I felt terrible and didn't know what to do so I went to my close friend's house at the time and told him everything. He was supportive at first, told me everything would be fine and sent me home with a warm smile. After that I never heard from him again. He disappeared out of my life and I convinced myself it was for the better, that I would end up hurting him too." He paused for a moment and tears pricked my eyes. I tried really hard not to feel pity or sad because I knew Lucius would feel it too.

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