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The next morning I had a plan. I only had two classes so I was going to skip the first one to warn Lucius about my father. I didn't want to see him yet which was selfish on my part, he didn't do anything but it was me who already trying to avoid him. If I had even the slightest clue that Lucius's past was so rough I would've never asked. It was also silly of me to make a promise I knew I wouldn't be able to keep. Wishful thinking was a funny thing.

My father was adamant on taking me to school this morning and I had to practically peel him off of my back. I promised him I would drive and somehow that made him feel better about the entire situation. I wasn't happy about having to leave my car unattended at the college but it was the only way my plan would work.

On my way to the trail I decided not to worry too much about it. I didn't plan on staying with Lucius very long and the walk to the college was only ten minutes. My talk with Lucius should only take five. I didn't really want to see him and I was sure the feeling was mutual.


My stomach curled into knots at the sight of Lucius. His arms were crossed tightly over his chest making his tattoos pop and his rings glitter in the scattered sunlight from above. It annoyed the fuck out of me how good he looked even when he was upset.

"Didn't think I'd be seeing you today." I mirrored his position feeling vulnerable under his scrutinizing gaze.

"I'm not staying. I'm skipping a class for this so I'll make it quick." His eyebrows furrowed when I said I wouldn't be saying and it made my heart beat a little faster at the thought him wanting me to stay even though yesterday left us at odds.

"My father is getting suspicious, more than he already is. He knows I'm hiding something and I can't keep lying to him because it'll just cause more problems." Lucius narrowed his eyes and the knots in my stomach meshed even tighter together than before. I hated that I was doing this the day after he practically bared his soul to me. I was doing the exact thing he was afraid of but there was nothing else left to do.

"Spit it out, Fallon." He gritted through clenched teeth. I took an accidental step back at the sound of his voice and look of shock, hurt, and confusion passed through his face all at once.

"We need to be careful, okay? That's all I was going to say. I can't see you everyday, it's too risky." He scoffed and looked to the side for a second before turning and looking back at me.

"For who, you or me?" Now it was my turn to furrow my eyebrows and scoff.

"Are you serious? For both of us, Lucius." He nodded his head and his jaw ticked.

"Are you sure? I think you forget, Fallon, I am a vampire. Your father doesn't scare me, never has never will. I sneak around for you, I deny myself your blood for you, I haven't marked you for you, I fight against this stupid fucking bond everyday for you. I deprive myself of satisfaction for you. So I'll ask again, who are you doing this for, me or you?" I was shocked to say the least. Just yesterday he confessed that he wouldn't mark me because he was scared I was going to leave him and now all of sudden he was flipping the entire thing onto me and insinuating that I was scared of my own father.

"Don't put all of this on me. You knew what the risks were from the beginning, Lucius. And I don't know why you're acting like I said we'd have to stop seeing each other completely, we're in too deep for that to be an option now." We were not by any means in any sort of established relationship. If there was no bond between us we'd just be two people meeting up in the woods everyday who exchanged one sided kisses and heated touches. If I had the mental capacity to stop, I would've.

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