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The plan was Washington, specifically Renton. I had an Aunt and Uncle there who I trusted enough to confide in. They were the only ones who sent me a card on my birthday every year, I snagged the one from last year before leaving my parents house. Their address was scrawled across the top in cursive writing. Luckily they were on my mother's side, and I desperately needed help figuring out this whole heavenly restriction thing, preferably with someone who was a witch or had relatives who practiced. I don't remember them much but I hoped they remembered me.

Lucius was skeptical about the whole thing and honestly so was I. I didn't know if my parents mindset extended to the entire family or if it was just an Everskies family exclusive thing. I was hoping for the latter.

It was morning now, a couple hours before the sun rose and got Melrose ready for the day.

Lucius and I were on our way out his cottage. I wanted to be gone from Melrose before the afternoon, if I stayed any longer there was a chance I'd change my mind. I was worried about the cottage too, we weren't going to come back but I didn't want anything to happen to it while we were gone. It was cute and held so many memories and honestly I was more sad about leaving the tiny home than I was sad about leaving Melrose. Lucius told me not worry about it and I tried but either way the guilt would eat at me.

As we walked through the woods back to my car, Lucius's hand occupied the space on my lower back, guiding me through the woods while he walked beside me. The warmth passing through him into me added to the warmth of my puffer and it was almost as if it wasn't even cold out. I glanced sideways at him, taking in his eyebrow piercing and steel blue eyes. I almost melted at the sight. His face was serious as we walked his hand didn't waver on my back once. He was wearing what he wore when we first met all those weeks ago: maroon short sleeve shirt with black jeans. The thought of it made me laugh. We'd come such a long way and I was glad Lucius was still by my side.

He was so loyal and good to me despite saying that he never wanted anything to do with me. I knew it was because of the bond but if he really didn't care about me in some way then he wouldn't be here right now. That was just the type of person he was.

My car sat parked perfectly on the street, untouched and windows frosted from the early morning dew. I walked up to it and ran my hands across the glass to make sure everything was still how I left it. I turned around to face Lucius and leaned back against the car as he took the last couple of steps towards me. His hands fit so perfectly around my waist, it was like they were made to do this and only this; hold me against him so I could breathe in his scent and gaze into his never ending eyes.

"I'm so glad it's you coming with me, I always thought that when I eventually left Melrose it'd just be me and my car." He hummed and leaned down to kiss me on my nose.

"Wherever you are, I am too." He murmured. I looped my arms around his neck and tugged him even closer. My lips found themselves in the crook of his neck, coincidentally hovering over the same spot where he marked me on my neck. I breathed him in one more time before kissing the spot and feeling him shudder underneath me, his hands tightened their grip on my waist and my heartbeat picked up in speed.

"Fallon," He sighed out. I was too far gone to hear slight growl in his voice.

"I love you, Lucius." I murmured into the skin of his neck.

It was dizzying almost, how in a second instead of my back against the passenger side door it was now pressed flush against the hood of my car and Lucius was pinning me down with his body. His lips were devouring my neck and his leg forced my own apart, the friction making my mind cloud with lust.

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