Chapter 1: Unexpected Visit

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"Will? Are you about done with those?" Alyss stepped out onto the veranda, where Will was fixing the fletching of some arrows.

"Not quite yet." He replied, but Alyss wasn't listening any more.

"Will! Look!"

He glanced up and slowly grinned as he saw the familiar shape of his old mentor riding up on his horse, Abelard. To the side, in the stables, Tug gave a soft whinny of welcome.

"Halt!" Alyss called as the old ranger came closer. "What brings you here? Shall I get you some coffee?"

"Ah, Alyss, as beautiful and sweet as ever," Halt replied as he swung off from Abelard, a rare smile touching his rough features. "Why, for all I know, you might have become more beautiful than ever!"

As a trained diplomat, Alyss, obviously, did not blush. She merely nodded and gave a small smile. Will, however, bursted out indignantly, "Halt! What about me!?"

"Oh, just the normal, I guess." Halt said quite calmly.

Will took a full minute to glare daggers at him, but then said, "Anyway, what brought you along here to visit your clumsy old apprentice? Have you any news?"

Halt sighed. "What did I say about asking two questions at once now? I'm going to get Abelard comfortable first. And yes, Alyss, why don't you prepare us some coffee, so we can talk more comfortably."

He returned only a few minutes later, and took a seat beside Will.

"Everything going well here?" He asked.

Will shrugged. "Normal, I guess. There wasn't much to do lately though. It's been pretty quiet. What news have you got?"

Halt raised an eyebrow, then said, "We should wait a bit for Alyss. This might involve her as well."

Will turned, surprised, "It's a mission?"

"Of a sort, yes."

At that moment, Alyss appeared, holding two mugs of coffee, one for each of the rangers (rangers, as a rule, have always been addicted to coffee), and said, "Someone called me just now?"

Will nodded. "Halt just said that his news, or whatever it is, also has to do with you."

"Ooooh! A mission?"

"Yes," Halt replied, "One for the Special Task Group actually, but it would require some diplomatic skills, so Crowley thought we should include you. That is, of course, only if you are willing and have time."

"Of course I'd be willing! And...well, I might need a few days to finalize a few documents with George, but it shouldn't take too long. When are we setting out?"

"Half a moment!" Will put in, "We don't even know what the assignment is!"

Halt nodded. "Grown some sense, have you, Will? We're going to Skandia."

"Skandia!" Will exclaimed. "But that's just wonderful! When do we go!? Wait but why, what happened in Skandia?"

"About done with your outburst?" Halt said dryly. Will nodded, smiling sheepishly. "Well, apparently, there's been some trouble between Erak's people and the archers we've been supplying them with. According to the letter he sent, there's also been some skirmishes along the Skandian borders. In any case, we will need both diplomatic and ranger skills for this particular task." After a brief pause, he added, "You don't suppose Horace will have time to join us, do you? I mean, he is technically still part of the Special Task Group."

"Probably not," Will said, "Last time he took the time to write to me, he said that if ever the Special Task Group needed a knight along, he can provide us with one of his own apprentices."

Both of Halt's eyebrows shot up. "He's got an apprentice already?"

"Oh, plenty, I believe. That's how Battleschool works, anyhow. But I've been told that he's got three personal students, and if we need, he would be giving us one of those. His original words were to 'give them some field experience and let them spend some time with the wild and lawless rangers.'"

At this both Halt's eyebrows shot up. "And I suppose he thinks he's speaking from personal experience?"

Will grinned but did not pursue the matter. "Well, do we need a knight?"

"Could do with one, I guess."

"Oh! Halt," Alyss suddenly said, "You should ask Pauline to come as well!"

Halt raised an eyebrow as he turned to her. "Why?"

"Um well, I miss going on mission with her would be a good reason I guess? Also I think you are inwardly thrilled right now at the idea of actually going on a real mission with Lady Pauline by your side..."

Surprisingly, Halt, for once, could not think of something fittingly crushing to say. Instead, after a second, he said, "Well, why not? It would be nice to have her along."

The truth was, the idea appealed to him a great deal. He had never went on an official mission with his wife before. The closest was the occasional small incident that Pauline had to look into and he'd gone as her escort. And now, this was the perfect excuse. After all, they were both technically retired already, so no one could keep her from coming along, if only as a pleasure trip.

"Should I write to Horace about the knight?" Asked Will.

"Guess it'd be more help for Horace than for us if we do bring one along, but I guess it's fine," replied Halt.

Will nodded. "If we're going to Skandia, then we should go to Castle Araluen first, where we can pick his apprentice up, and then take a duty ship to Skandia. When are we setting out?"

Halt grimaced at the idea of riding a ship, but said quite calmly, "Oh I think we can go as soon as Alyss has got her stuff finalized. And yes, you should write to Horace as soon as possible."

"The documents should only take a few days. Add that with whatever time we would need to pack up and everything, I'd say we should set out for Araluen in a week." Alyss said.

"A week it is then," said Halt, "I'll need to tell Pauline about this when I get back."

Alyss smiled as Halt drained his coffee in one swallow and said, "No need for the hurry, Halt. In fact, why don't you stay for lunch?"

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