Tribal marriage, my fiancé is just my type! [Chapter 8]

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Within the hour, all the servants in the palace were gathered in the inner courtyard. The atmosphere was thick with tension and anticipation. Whispers and murmurs rippled through the crowd, everyone straining to understand what had transpired the previous night.

At the front of the courtyard, Ragnar stood tall and imposing, with Sisi and Azul standing at either side with solemn expressions.

Ragnar raised his hand for silence, and the courtyard fell still. "I'm sure you are all aware that last night the Great Khan was grievously wounded and has been fighting for his life."

Gasps and cries of shock echoed through the courtyard. All trying to look more upset than the other. Ragnar continued. "Despite our best efforts, the healers have informed us that the Great Khan has passed away."

A wail reverberated through the palace as the servants cried and screamed in despair. Many fell to their knees; they all needed to look upset to show their respect.

Azul, standing beside Ragnar, maintained a composed expression, her acting was not good enough to pretend she was upset. But Sisi's was. She let tears fall from her eyes as her body trembled, making her look like a damsel who was overcome with grief. Azul had to inwardly clap at her superb acting. 

"We will mourn this great loss, but we must also be vigilant," Ragnar continued. "We believe there are traitors among us, those who conspired to bring about this tragedy. We will not rest until they are found and brought to justice."

His words were only to make the preparators relax; now that they thought the Khan was dead, they would make more and more mistakes. If their main motive is to kill Ragnar, then they just have to wait as bait. 

Arthur leaned in and whispered to Azul, "I will return, Khatun."

Azul nodded subtly, watching as Arthur melted into the crowd.

The servants were dissolved and Azul was released, Sisi would stay with the King to make sure no servant or guard snuck into the room and so she was free to move around finally. 

"What should I do today?" She thought to herself, she felt movements in her dress and the little white snake slithered up her legs. "How was foraging today? Successful?"


Azul felt relieved; as long as she had potions, she would be fine. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Ragnar's words interrupted her thoughts. Azul turned around to see him towering over her, she completely forgot she was married. 

"Um.. I was going on a walk?" She said laughing nervously. 

He crossed his arms, raising a brow. No matter how he looked at it, she seemed suspicious. She was planning to go lie down in bed. 

"You were planning to go take a nap weren't you?"

'Yikes. Are you a mind reader or something?'

"Are you opposed to it?" She asked standing her ground. 

"No, let's go."


He took her hand and led her back to their room; her mind was not a peace. 

'System! Do I really need to sleep with this man!?' 

[..You can knock him out..] 

Oh. Problem solved.

"By the way, I'm sorry for yesterday... I got a bit jealous." He said without turning back. His ears were a curious shade of pink. 

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