Grade A student - gangster princess wants to graduate! [Chapter 19]

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The hospital room was dimly lit, the glow from the machines casting a pale light over the plain white walls. Outside, the city was quiet, the sounds of traffic and nightlife muffled by the thick walls and closed windows. The occasional beeping of the heart monitor was the only sound breaking the silence in the room.

Jean's eyes fluttered open, the haze of anaesthesia slowly lifting. He winced as he shifted slightly, the dull ache in his torso reminding him of the brutal fight, he took off the oxygen mask on his face and tried to orientate himself. He looked down, seeing the bandages tightly wrapped around his chest, the memory of the knife stabbing him flooding back. He gasped; each breath sent a wave of pain through his body forcing him to breath shallowly.

As his vision cleared, he noticed a man sitting next to him, dressed in a sharp black suit. The man was rigid, his posture perfect, and his expression stern. He exuded an air of authority and professionalism. Jean's heart sank as recognition dawned on him.

"Young master," the man said, his voice low and formal. "I see you're awake."

Jean groaned, trying to sit up but quickly giving up as pain shot through him. "What are you doing here, Kuro?" he asked, his voice hoarse and weak.

Kuro adjusted his glasses, his gaze never leaving Jean's. "Your father has had enough of your reckless behaviour. He has decided that it is time for you to leave the country."

Jean's eyes widened in shock, his father had threatened this before but he couldn't possibly take it seriously. "What? No! He can't just—"

Kuro raised a hand, silencing him. "Your father is very serious this time, young master. He believes that a change of environment might help you understand the consequences of your actions. He's grown tired of your defiance and the trouble you've caused."

Jean clenched his fists, the reality of the situation sinking in. "Where am I going?"

"You will be sent to a boarding school in Europe. It has strict discipline and will offer you a chance to reform. Your flight will be scheduled as soon as you're well enough to travel," Kuro explained, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Jean's mind raced, the implications of leaving everything behind hitting him hard. He looked down at his bandaged torso, the pain of his injuries mingling with the turmoil in his heart. "And if I refuse?"

Kuro's eyes hardened. "There is no refusal, young master. This is not a request. It is an order from your father."

Jean fell back against the pillows, his anger and frustration boiling beneath the surface. He felt trapped, his future being decided without his input. The weight of his father's decision pressed down on him, making it hard to breathe.

Kuro stood up, adjusting his suit. "Rest, young master. You will need your strength for the journey ahead."

As Kuro left the room, Jean stared at the ceiling, the darkness of the night closing in around him. He really hated this overwhelming feeling of helplessness.


The Suzuki household was eerily quiet that night, not even the chirping of crickets could be heard. Amaya tried to sneak in quietly; she hadn't told anyone where she was going, and she wasn't sure how her father would react to her stealing a gun to use on a college kid.

She held her breath, climbing over the wall, landing softly on the ground, and quickly rushed to the kitchen door. She hoped the servants wouldn't rat her out.

The kitchen door swung open easily, and she sighed in relief, seeing no one there. She took off her shoes and tiptoed through the quiet hallways. Just as her bedroom came into view, she was stopped by the sound of a man clearing his throat.

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