Tribal marriage, my fiancé is just my type! [Chapter 23]

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Azul stood frozen. Another army—what was she meant to do now? If she split their forces, it would cause chaos. She frantically ran through the various options in her head. Every scenario led to the same conclusion: there was no way to win this battle. Desperation clawed at her chest, and for the first time, she felt truly helpless.

She didn't notice the tent open as Ragnar rushed in, blood on his hands and armour. "Khatun!" He placed his hand on her shoulder, turning her around. "What do we do—" He was shocked to see her eyes were full of fear. 

He had never seen her scared before.

"Ragnar... I don't know what to do." Her voice was small, so small. 

He realised in that moment how much he had relied on her; the weight on her shoulders was insurmountable. Seeing her like this made him understand that this battle might be lost. He hugged her, her eyes widening in surprise. "It's okay," he said. "I probably pushed you more than you could handle. Just leave this battle to me."

This battle was lost, did he plan to fight till his death?

He left the tent, and she followed after snapping out of her shock. Ragnar looked around and called quickly to find Arthur and then Khan Jarek. Azul only looked around, confused about what he planned to do.

"Ragnar, what are you going to do?" She asked.

He looked at her, his gaze tender. He wanted to hold her closer but didn't want to get more blood on her. She was beautiful, in the midst of the chaos, she was his wife. 

Arthur came rushing at Ragnar's order.

"I have a mission for you," Ragnar said coldly. He lifted Azul up and placed her on Arthur's horse. "Take her and leave."

"Wait, Ragnar! I can still help you!" She said desperately, if he sent her away now how would he survive?

Ragnar stilled at her desperate, wide eyes, his heart stinging at her words. "I know you can, Khatun, but you have done more than enough. As your husband, I should be the one protecting you, so I want you to leave this place."

"No, you don't understand, Ragnar, if I leave—" she choked. How would she tell him she was going to leave this world once the battle was over? Her mission was to survive, not to win. Irrespective of whether Ragnar lives or dies, she would still leave this place.

But she didn't need to vocalise her words; he had a feeling. "Is there a chance I will see you again?" His words surprised her; she didn't think he would understand her plight. But who else could understand her if not her husband?

"I don't know."

There was a chance she would come back to this world, but that wasn't what she was afraid of. She had meddled excessively; she did not know if he would survive.

He smiled, as long as there was a chance. "Then, Khatun, I will wait for your return. You are the only woman who can stand by me as Queen."

His words were sincere. His blue eyes, the scar on his face, his armour—this was a man she could never forget in her lifetime.

"Go, Arthur, protect her with your life."

"Yes, Khan." Arthur set off with the horse, going straight across the steppe.

"RAGNAR!" Azul screamed. "YOU MUST SURVIVE!"

He watched her leave him with a sad smile. "As long as my Queen wishes, if you ask me to live, then I'm afraid that I must."

Jarek arrived just then, and the two men quickly strategized. They knew they needed a bold move to counter Jeder's ambush.

"We need to take the fight directly to them," Jarek said, his eyes fierce. "If we can disrupt their formation, we might stand a chance."

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