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He was Regulus, Regulus Black, a shy boy from Hogwarts, the youngest Black alive. He was invisible, invisible enough to walk around the place without being noticed.

Even though he didn't know how to swim, his favorite place was the Great Lake, he thinks everyone knows this, and people actually do, but that's the only single thing they know about Regulus Black. But the one thing that no one, not even his mother knows is that he doesn't know how to swim. Walburga knew everything about her beautiful little son, she didn't treat him like one, Regulus is only the plan B, because his brother ran away, when Sirius abandoned Regulus with his family Regulus learned how to block Legilimens, Walburga was pround at first, but then she noticed that she couldn't read his mind anymore, so she wasn't in control of him.

It doesn't matter what is happening with Walburga when Regulus is at Hogwarts.

He was writing!

Writing in his notebooks, poems no one would ever read, words that describe Regulus without his permission, when he arrived.

He was nothing more and nothing less than James Potter... Sirius best friend, the golden boy, Lily's boyfriend. At least Regulus thinks he is, he never talked to James, not even to his brother, after Sirius started living with the Potter's.

Regulus was sad, he was just a kid when everything fell in his shoulders, hate, loneliness, responsibility, facts. Then it turned into hate, he hated his brother for replacing him, putting James and saying out loud and even in front of Regulus that the Potter was his brother, and for making him stay with everything.

And one day, Regulus woke up and he didn't feel anything about his brother, he loved Sirius and realized that he was better with the Potters.

He was kind of jealous, he wanted what Sirius has.

The Potter ran into the lake's edge stopping before getting into it, but his glasses fell into the water, slowly drowning, James could get it himself, but he pretended to talk to someone far away. As a coincidence Regulus was sitting a short distance from it.

— Hey! You're Regulus, right?

The boy with a messy curly hair asked. He knew it was him, but he was really hopping to talk to the little Black.

— What do you want?

Regulus asked not even looking at the Griffindor.

— Well, talk to you?

Maybe it was the way his voice sounded, or the way his hair keept falling into his face while looking to the Black with his perfect waved black hair.

The difference between them was that Regulus had a bit more of hair, James used to just pass his hands into the hair strands and fix it.

— What is the joke now, Pottah?

— Pottah?

— Yeah!

James smiled like a fool with Regulus's way of pronouncing his name. He liked the sound of "Pottah".

As a fact James likes everything that Regulus does. So readjusting my sentence, Regulus was almost invisible, there was one person that couldn't take his eyes out of him when he passes the hallways of Hogwarts. Sometimes James catches himself looking for the Black's name on the Marauders Map.

— We should go out!

Regulus stood up facing the guy, he got closer looking into his eyes, the almond brown eyes. He had a white skin tanned naturally by the sun, his cheek was red like he was flustered by the approximation.

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