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James gave up and layed down on the bed, looking at Regulus, all his body turned to the Black. Regulus was looking to the wall, he was with his back to James. The Black's eyes we're closed but he felt the bed move with James's weight.

— You still not wanting to go out with me?

He tried to say, but Regulus was already asleep, James smiled felling dumb for talking alone, he got closer putting his face in Regulus's neck, the smell of coffee, new books and cinnamon.

His eyes closed, before he could stop himself he slept right beside Regulus.

They didn't even woke up when Evan entered the room with Regulus's bag that he left on the grass. He also left a note telling Regulus that he didn't read any of his poems but that he should be careful with that such of thing.

A night as could as this one couldn't have gone better for both James and Regulus. But for Sirius was a total nightmare...

At the Gryffindor dorms Sirius was freaking out, even Remus was scared of him, no one ha never seen him this mad before.


Remus screamed trying to make the Black look into his eyes. Sirius wasn't listening, all he did was punch the door close to Remus's face.

Lupin wasn't scared at all, it was nothing, he knew Sirius wouldn't hurt him, not even in his worse day.


Sirius screamed looking inside Remus's eyes... For a moment he changed his actions. Remus's rolled his eyes touching the back of his neck making him rest his head on his shoulders.

— You knew this day would come... At least it's James, could've been someone bad!

— His my "baby" brother, James couldn't do it!

The reason for all of this was because Sirius was looking or James's name on the Marauders Map, as soon as he found it he noticed that Regulus's names was actually close to it and the place they were alone was also suspicious for Sirius.

His blood running faster and hotter in his veins. It got worse when suddenly both feets were really close to eachother and the names were almost covering themselves with one another. He could imagine what James was doing to his brother, even if that was a total misunderstanding since they were both just sleeping together.

At the Slytherin dorm it was a cute scene of them sleeping, in Sirius's mind James was having hard sex with his little brother and only that thought could make him kill James.

At the morning James came to the dining room with a bright smile, he sat by Remus's side gratefully, becouse Sirius was holding so hard to not to kill him.

— I'm starving!

He took a piece of bread and somem juice.

— Eating my brother wasn't enough?
Sirius said ironically, but his eyes were serious. James gave him a confused look, he couldn't get it, "Did I heard it right?" Potter thought.

— Sirius!

Rasmus jawed.

— What are you talking about?

James said still not understanding. In his head nothing made sence.

— What I'm talking about?! I'm talking about You eating My Brother last night!

The savage voice made James shocked.

— Stop that! Yes, I was with Regulus. Fine? Enough? We only slept, okay? He literally fell asleep and asked me to stay with him because he didn't want to be alone!

James said looking right into Sirius's eyes. He got to make sure that Sirius believed him and that this wouldn't get into Regulus ears, or else he could think all of this was on purpose, it was, but not like this, not in the bad way.

— You freaked out for nothing!

Remus added.

Sirius believe him, at the same time he doesn't. The black waved hair guy looked down to the table, he had a huge pride, the kind of one that makes him mad for not being right.

— Don't be like this, padfoot!

Peter said entering the conversation, when James looked at him and both Remus and Sirius did the same, Peter froze.

— What?

The little boy said.

— Nothing, just didn't noticed you there!

They got back to eating.

On the other table, the Slytherin one, Regulus has just arrived. He didn't even bother to look at James, who was enchanted with him. Evan smiled at him.

— Fun night?

— None of your business.

He said without looking at the blonde one. Barty laughed at the boys, making Regulus roll their eyes silently eating.

— But who did he sleep with?

Barty asked, he wasn't aware of things since he was out last day, escaping from Hogwarts and from his father.

— James Potter couldn't let him go yesterday!

They gossiped about it like the Black wasn't there.

— But, Reg!
— Uhm?

He mumbled not paying attention.

— What happened in the morning?

Barty asked really interested on the topic.

— Why are you asking that? The night is the most important thing here!

Evan protested not getting why the morning was important.

— Because it doesn't matter how they fucked, they did! What happens in the morning is more important because it shows if they like eachother, if James Potter leaved before he woke up than it was just one more, but if he stayed or maybe left a note, it means he likes Regulus!

He said like he was sure of what he was saying. But he was, actually! Barty could be an ass sometimes, but he was also intelligent, about the topics in class or the socializing topic.

— Tell us!

He begged.

— It was normal... Nothing happened, we only slept!

But he could remember the smile he gave this morning.

When was about four and a half hour, James woke up in Regulus's bed, he smiled watching him sleep, he knew he had to leave though. He took Regulus's bag and opened his notebook, some poems on the way took his attention.

The paper was untied from the notebook, this seamed wrong but he took the paper with him and wrote a little note to Regulus.

"Had to go! But I liked to sleep with you, wouldn't bother sleep with you again... Good morning, prince!

Regulus was happy, already thinking of how he would sleep with James Potter again, at the same time how he would make him not understand he liked it.

— Normal?!

Evan was disappointed.

— We wouldn't get nothing better than that!

Barty said accepting his answer. Regulus smiled at Evan's reaction.
1082 words

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