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"In shadows deep, where serpents glide,
A Serpent heart beats with pride.
With cunning words and sly intent,
Our ambitions rise, without relent.

A dance of shadows, we elegantly weave,
Intricate plots, our foes deceive.
With silver tongues and clever minds,
We navigate the labyrinth of our kind.

Through murky waters, we slither and crawl,
Unyielding in our pursuit, we stand tall.
For loyalty runs deep, within our kin,
United by ambition, we always win.

In the depths of darkness, our secrets lie,
A web of whispers, where truths defy.
But beneath the mask, a soul does dwell,
Yearning for love, a Serpent spell.

So judge us not by our cunning ways,
For in our hearts, a fire blaze.
In unity, we find our strength,
For this Serpent, ambition knows no length."

James finished his reading of the day. It was almost midnight when he read Regulus's poem for the umpteenth time.

The smile on his face like a little kid that just received a present. Sirius was cuddling with Remus but he could still see what James was doing, he left Remus on the bed reading some book, in a fast way he took the poem out of James's hand.

— What are you doing, you brat?

James left the bed standing up in a second.

— What is that? Hum? Lily send you a letter?

Sirius opened the paper to see it better, Potter didn't gave a minute before jumping on his best friend. Remus transferred his attention to the boys when he heard the noise of a heavy thigh falling on the floor.

It was the two idiots.

— Leave it alone, Sirius!

He placed his hand, not so gently, on Sirius's face. The Black was on the floor with Potter on top of him, smiling at the angry James without realizing his brother hand writing on the paper.

— Why? What is she talking about? Sex?

He asked smiling.

James was pissed.

— Enough, Pads! Leave him and his letter alone!

Remus said ordering Sirius. They both stopped fighting, James took his poem away as fast as he could getting away from Sirius too, he made sure it was perfectly fine before looking at Remus with a greatful face.

— Why can he know about us and we can't know about him and Lily?

— We are dating! They may not be! Even if they already are, wait until he wants to talk about it, like he did to us!

Sirius seemed to fell blamed. He was like a puppy, his black eyes and the cute face, even with the small project of beard on his face.

— Anyways, it wasn't Lily...

James said looking down at the paper in his hands.

— Also not a letter... Not even wrote for me!

Remus made a strange face, closing his book and getting up. He swears it's not something usual, but he is the gossip king, the one who always knew everything and loves the plot, the Marauders map? Remus idea. The curious eyes analysing James from the little toe to the highest and least strand of hair.

— What is it and who does it belong to?

— I can't say it...

James pleased looking at Remus eyes. For Lupin, the ground disappeared when he understood who wrote it. James almost cried, bright eyes, result of the tears that he didn't want to let go from.

— What? Why is he crying?

Sirius asked not getting anything.

— Let's sleep... Goodnight, James!

He held Sirius's hand and leaded him to bed, with a lost look he turned off the lights. James did the same, felling blamed for hiding this from Sirius, it was his brother anyway, how could he hide it? Was he wrong for falling for his best friend's little brother?

Pointing out that Regulus is a teenager now, he's literally 15, at the same time James was 18, not an adult but not a teenager.

James rolled his body to face the wall, for a moment his hole body pleased for Regulus, even if it was only so he could pretend he isn't there. It doesn't matter...

He closed his eyes after hiding the poem under his pillow. James's mind couldn't stop to end up on Regulus, everything was leading to him, then the hours passed by and he could sleep, looking through the widow he could see the moon.

Even that leaded him to think about his young and sweet little Black.

On the other hand Regulus was sleeping peacefully and well. Either way he couldn't stop thinking about James. He was dreaming about him, he could almost feel the touch of his hand on him...

He opened his eyes...

James right in front of him...

Supporting his body above him, the strong arms of the quidditch player on both sides of Regulus's face. This bed never seemed so good for him, the Black eyes staring right into James's, the Black boy could feel the difference that was from when he wasn't here.

Regulus lifted up his head to get closer to James. The Potter's hand slipped to the back of Regulus's neck, making the smallest one get goosebumps.

No words could describe the way Regulus looked at him, his eyes shining while looking at James's little details. It was almost ecstatic if it wasn't so confusing, how could he look that way to something that it's out of his world.

He couldn't believe his eyes when he could see James right in front of him.

A kiss, he was just 1 inch away of getting a kiss, that inch was the most hateful thing to the Slytherin boy now. It was, until James killed the space touching his lips to Regulus's lips. It started as just touching but them they wanted more, it got hotter and wilder, making Regulus sit up to kiss him better. When they both lost their breaths James anded the kiss with a small bite that made Regulus close his eyes.

He didn't want to open his eyes and deal with the situation now. So he didn't, and regretted it at the same time when James started to say his name on his ear.

— Regulus...

He said in a whisper.

— Wake up!

He whispered again. So Regulus opened his eyes, alone in his bed, James wasn't there...

1046 words

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