Seeing you.

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When I was in kindergarten your mom was my teacher. Mrs. Barns. I loved her class so much. I remember her snake she had in the class and she would feed it live mice, but she would tape paper of the glass so we couldn't watch. I still didn't know who you were because unlike me, you were in the first grade, one year older.

One day, reading time, all of the kids in my class were sitting on the alphabet rug being read to by your mom. You came through the doors crying with a big ugly scratch and bruise on your face. You told your mom what happened and the whole class heard. We heard how you were chasing Peter around the playground and he pushed a limb aside to get by and let it go behind him. We heard about how when he let it go, it hit you in the face and that you had to go to the nurse.

I remember that day really well. That was the day I realized who you were, the day I was doomed to see you. That was the day that made you a part of my life, the day that I started loving you.

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