Soft tickles and unknown intentions.

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The next few times we went to Sam's house, you would rub my thigh or my stomach more and more often. It was strange. Strange that you were doing it. Strange that I liked it.
One day you moved your hand closer and closer to the inside of my thigh. I froze, not used to the close proximity of your hand and my crotch. I was not used to the sexual tension in the air between us. I wanted you to stop. I was getting a very strange feeling of tingles in my lower abdomen. Your hand moved closer and rubbed gentle circles EXTREMELY close to my girly place. I stood up abruptly, announcing I had to pee. I didn't really, but I needed to escape your mesmerizing, tingling touch. I needed to escape you, for just a few moments.
When I came back into the closer off addition, you weren't on our couch. You were actually in the kitchen getting more pizza. I laid down on the couch we usually share, away from where you usually sit. When you came back, you sat over my legs, where your butt was in the couch cushions behind my knees, and your knees were draped over mine. I tried to relax.
Relaxing was hard around you. You put me on edge. It was the touching that had recently started. With what intentions you had behind the touches I had no idea. That is what set me on edge. I was an innocent girl. An innocent girl with a horrible crush on a terrific guy who happened to be my best friend. I was doomed.
After a little while I started to drift off to sleep. I could see Sam and Mason cuddled up and making out on the couch across from ours. It was strange. I closed my eyes with the feeling of your warm, protecting hands skimming my showing skin in between my pants and where my shirt had ridden up. Your hands went under the shirt and lightly traced ticklish soft shapes on the soft skin of my stomach and back. I was being lulled into a peaceful sleep. And I fell deep and hard. Fell deep and hard into sleep. Fell deep and hard for you.
With deep feelings,
Dylan Henderson

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