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"So what should I do with you? Where will I hide you?"

When you leave the bar for a while during one of Tankhun's crazy parties and, for some reason, nostalgically come to the pier, a dirty white fluffy ball jumps out of the grass at you. Squeaking plaintively and trying to climb on the toe of your shoe.

"Come here," you lift the kitten in your arms, and its tiny snotty nose, resembling the Tesla logo, pokes into the curve of your elbow. "I'm going to get kicked out with you, you know?"

But the baby only continues to squeak, and soon a measured purring comes to replace the squeak.

"Okay. I'll hide you under my shirt for now. We'll see there."

The only thing that helps you is that everyone is pretty drunk today, and Pete has been given a month off, so he spends it with his beloved grandmother. On the way to the mansion, fortunately for you, the baby behaves quietly, falling asleep in a warm nest from your shirt and snuggling against your stomach. You're already thinking about how you can — if you're very lucky — send the kitten to Chay. You can't hide it in the bodyguard room for long anyway. It is a living creature, growing and curious.

Once at home, the first thing you do is wash the baby, who, as it turned out, turned out to be a girl-baby of two or three months old. And then you kindly ask for milk, and also grab a first-aid kit from the medical room. You wash the kitten's eyes and ears, simultaneously admiring their blueness. The clean fur glistens in the light of the night lamps.

"You're a real Snowflake!"

The baby is smacking her lips with milk, she clearly likes the new name.

"Hm. I need to arrange a toilet for you."

Of course, you won't find any tray or filler right now, so you just take a box from under new sneakers, cover the bottom tightly with paper and put Snowflake there. The baby sniffs, looks around warily and finally sits down and does all her business. You carry the kitten to the bed, and you clean her temporary toilet.

"That's it. Now go to sleep. Otherwise you won't grow up."

As soon as you say it, the door to your room opens wide. In a hurry, not thinking what to do, you shove the kitten into the waistband of your sweatpants and turn around to the doorway, in which — who would doubt it — stands angrily frowning Kinn, obviously just arrived from some kind of showdown.

"I thought I warned you," he begins in his mentoring tone, "not to drag my older brother to your bar anymore! And even more so, do not give him the entire range of the booze there!"

"Good evening to you too, Khun Kinn. Who else dragged someone there and got them drunk. You know Khun Tankhun better than me."

"Don't you dare!" 

"I'm... damn it!"

Snowflake starts fidgeting right in that very place.

"Uh," Kinn, who has noticed everything, stares at the movement between your legs in utter disbelief, "are you all right there?"

Ready to sink through the ground, you swallow loudly and nod, all red like a cherry tomato.

"Don't I think so," Kinne twists his mouth and eyebrows, "and does it move like that often?"

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