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Barely thirty minutes had passed when I reluctantly found myself in the living room of Felix's parents' house. At first I had vehemently resisted, but Minho had nagged me until I finally gave in. Now I was sitting here, my arms crossed in front of my chest to clearly demonstrate my reluctance. The look on my face clearly showed that I was anything but happy to be here.
To my left sat Minho, who was clearly enjoying the situation, and to my right Felix, who couldn't take his eyes off his folded hands, while his parents eyed us with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. My best friend had of course managed to worm his way into their hearts straight away. No wonder, after all, he was much more comfortable with interpersonal contact than I was.

A little later, when we were all sitting together at the dining table, his father suddenly started talking to me. "So Hyunjin, you're our son's friend? My wife already said you were... well, unfriendly," he stammered, to which I just rolled my eyes in annoyance. "You're married to that witch, you should know what she's like. If she's stupid with me, I'm stupid with her, simple as that," I replied calmly to his question.
Felix slapped his hand against his forehead next to me, a sign of his horror at my direct manner. Minho across from me began to cough artificially to stifle his laughter, while Felix's father raised his eyebrows in surprise and smirked slightly before changing the subject. "I assume you met at the hospital when you were still a patient?" he asked skeptically. "After all, it's forbidden to start something with a patient. You couldn't have known about it, but Felix did," he added, looking sternly at the blond boy, who kept his head down the whole time.

Frustrated, I let my breath flow heavily through my nose as I tried to suppress my rising anger. The last thing I needed at that moment was this ridiculous conversation, which was really testing my patience. I could feel the claws of my fingers digging into my palms as I tried with all my might not to freak out.
Minho noticed my growing anger and held back his laughter behind his hand, which only increased my rage. His dark eyes sparkled with amusement as he stared at me defiantly. Enraged, I pushed my foot hard against his shin under the table. He grimaced in pain and gave me an angry look, but I ignored him and turned my attention back to the old man who had been haranguing me the whole time.

This old bastard had already driven me mad when I was my doctor at the hospital and now he was annoying me with his moralizing sermons. "That rule is ridiculous," I snapped at him, waving my hand defensively. "You shouldn't cheat either and yet everyone does it. You can't keep two people apart if they're attracted to each other, neither by a stupid rule nor by a pointless marriage or relationship vow."
Felix next to me raised his head in surprise and looked at me with wide eyes. He obviously hadn't expected such an answer from me. "I agree with him," Minho intervened and put an arm around the black-haired boy sitting next to him. "If people stuck to these rules, most companies would go bankrupt and have no more employees because they'd all have to be thrown out. Everyone sleeps together and cheats on each other. But as long as the work doesn't suffer, it doesn't matter who is with whom. Besides, I wouldn't be here with my sweet darling right now if it hadn't been for those two," he added, tousling the black-haired boy's hair.
An amused smile flitted across the old sod's lips as he lifted his glass, which was filled with deep red wine. "Now that's what I call a clear message. Let's drink to that," he said and clinked glasses with Minho, whose glass was in front of him.
This guy was enjoying this ridiculous game far too much.

Fortunately, the meal went smoothly. The old witch, who had only said the bare minimum since our arrival, remained stubbornly silent, which suited me just fine. But her father was all the more annoying. "Why don't you tell us something about yourselves, Hyunjin and Minho? How old are you? What do you do for a living or are you still studying?" he asked curiously, his eyes narrowed suspiciously.
I ran my fingers through my hair in stress and looked at the old man. "I don't think we need to answer that," I replied brusquely and saw my best friend suppress a laugh. "I'm 27 and Hyunjin is 25, even if he's acting more like a pubescent teenager right now. We both work in the same industry and we... do a lot of social work. We help other people who can't do their own work and things like that...', my dark-haired friend explained without a care in the world, a far-fetched description of what we were actually doing. Nevertheless, I kicked him in the shin again, causing him to hiss slightly and give me an angry look, which I returned just as angrily.

The gray-haired man nodded thoughtfully and asked, "So it's like outpatient care?" he asked, to which Minho nodded. "Exactly, that's it," Minho confirmed. This earned me a skeptical look from my father, who raised his eyebrows. "I don't know if this is the right job for someone who's in such a bad mood," he said bluntly, putting my nerves to the test.
My best friend let out a laugh and waved his hand. "Don't worry, he's really damn good at his job. It turns into a whole different person when he's working," he explained, looking at me with a grin. The old man just nodded thoughtfully, and so the two of them continued to have a conversation while Felix, his black-haired friend and I just sat silently at the table and listened.

When we finally stumbled out of that cursed house that evening, I dropped my head back in frustration. The last few hours had been torture, while Minho and the old bastard had philosophized for ages about God and the world, downing one bottle of whiskey after another. Minho, who was normally a hard drinker, staggered after me and was in a pretty good mood. This whiskey was obviously very strong if it could get him drunk.
Sighing, I looked at my watch, which was almost midnight. The streetlights cast a deceptive light on the wet streets and made the puddles look like small lakes. I could hear the crickets chirping and the cool wind brushing through my hair.

I turned to my drunk buddy, who was trying to balance on his wobbly legs. "Ey, you bastard," I shouted, trying to get his attention. He turned and staggered in my direction, his arms outstretched as if to pull me into a hug. I tried to keep him at a distance, but he literally fell around my neck.
Annoyed, I tried to push him away from me and clicked my tongue. "You're babysitting today, I have things to do," I said as I tried to get him off me. "So watch out for those two back there."
A wide grin spread across his lips, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight. "I get it," he suddenly rambled. "Go take your bad-tempered pressure out on some poor sod and hopefully you'll be in a good mood again afterwards," he laughed, patting me proudly on the back.

Annoyed, I rolled my eyes and slapped his hand away from me. "If I wanted to take out my bad mood pressure anywhere, it would be on you, after all, you're to blame for this situation," I said, struggling again to get him off my neck as he clung on again. "Then forget about the two behind us and take it out on me. I'm into the bad-tempered Hyunjin in bed, he's hot," he slurred and started spreading kisses on my neck.
With a greater effort, I grabbed his arms and finally removed him from me. I turned him around once and pushed him straight towards the black-haired man, whose neck he was now embracing. "You're supposed to look after the two of them, although I'm more worried that they'll have to look after you, idiot," I said, annoyed, and then looked over at Felix. "Be a good boy and spend the night at your friend's tonight," I said to him, who nodded slightly and still didn't really dare to look at me. "Have fun with that idiot," I added and walked off.

After a while, I finally reached my favorite club and looked up at the huge, glaring neon sign that lit up the night. It had been ages since I'd last been here because of my hospital stay and unfortunately my visit today wasn't purely for pleasure. I needed to find a new victim, someone Chan could make his new plaything. If I didn't get him someone new, he'd never give me the other half of Minho's work and the sooner I found someone, the sooner we'd get out of this shit.
With a deep sigh, I entered the club and was immediately greeted by a few acquaintances, but I walked past them with disinterest. Some of them were former hook-ups, others you met occasionally at work and others were just regulars you knew by sight, mixed in with new faces all drawn to the vibrant energy of the club.
It was all the same: The smell of sweat and alcohol lingered in the air, mingling with the scent of perfume and cigarette smoke. The music was so loud that the beat vibrated the floor beneath my feet and made my heart race. The colorful lights danced across the faces of people lost in the crowd, moving their bodies to the rhythm of the music.

Normally my first port of call was the bar, but not today. I looked for a person I could deliver and then wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. As I looked around, a woman suddenly appeared in front of me and held a drink out to me. "I just saw you from the bar and just had to speak to you," she said with a sweet, shy smile on her lips.
I looked her up and down with an indifferent look and accepted the drink. If I wasn't looking for a suitable victim, I would have definitely gone for her and laid her tonight. "Not interested," I said in a voice as cold and distant as my gaze. "But I'll have that drink anyway." I took a sip and just left her standing there as I continued to push my way through the stinking crowd.

The music was blaring in my ears, sweat was sticking to my skin and the colorful lights danced on the faces of the people around me. But I was stressed and tense because I just couldn't find anyone who met Chan's standards. I couldn't take just anyone - Chan would never accept that. It had to be someone special, someone who stood out from the crowd, someone who deserved my attention and therefore Chan's attention. And I knew that I would recognize this person when I saw them.
Frustrated, I finally settled down at the bar and let my eyes wander over the many bottles of spirits. But then I saw the man next to me pour something into one of the two glasses in front of him. He pushed the glass towards a blonde boy next to him, who didn't notice. The boy was completely caught up in the dancing crowd behind us, his eyes shining with excitement and curiosity.

My gaze swept over him briefly as he sat there so innocently on his stool. On the outside, he was perfect, with his soft features and cute charisma, just what Chan liked. His innocence and naivety were almost tangible, and I knew I had found my victim.
When the boy turned around in his stool and reached for the glass to drink from it, I stood between the two of them. With one smooth movement, I took the glass from the blond boy's hand like the hero I was not.
"Hey you asshole, what are you doing," the man, who was about my height, yelled at me. His breath smelled terribly of alcohol and cigarettes, a mixture that made me recoil in disgust. His rotten teeth smiled mockingly at me and I could hardly suppress the disgust that spread through me.

Disgusted, I poured the drink I had in my hand over his head as I looked at him blankly. "You don't mix other people's drinks. But with your looks, it's no wonder you have to resort to these means," I said in a calm voice that was barely audible over the din of the music. My words seemed to hit him, because he suddenly started shouting and grabbed me by the collar. His eyes were narrowed with rage as he pulled me towards him.
Unfortunately, I couldn't deal with him in this club the way I would have wanted to. So I stayed calm and let him scream. His tantrums attracted enough attention for security to intervene within seconds. Even though this club is one of the most seedy ones around, it was also by far one of the safest I knew, which is why guys like this were often kicked out immediately. They dragged him away from me and threw him outside.

I watched after him as he screamed and struggled before turning my attention back to the blond boy. Judging by his appearance, he was only 19 or at most 20 years old, but no older.
Now the boy turned in my direction and his large, dark eyes met mine. His hands were shaking slightly as he asked, "Did he really put something in my drink?" I nodded and saw him exhale in relief. "Oh my God, thank you for saving me from that," he said with a mixture of fear and gratitude in his voice.
I sighed and turned to face him fully so I could get a better look at him. "You never let your drinks out of your sight in a club. Everyone knows that," I told him calmly but firmly and ordered two new drinks from the bartender on the side. Embarrassed and slightly red around the nose, he looked down at his lap, where his hands were nervously playing with each other. "It's my first time in a club, maybe I should have done more research before I came here," he confessed with a lowered gaze.

Curious, I raised my eyebrow and looked at him. "What's your name?" I asked him. He looked at me again and gave me a shy smile. "Jeongin and today is my 18th birthday, even if you didn't really want to know," he said, scratching his head sheepishly. His cheeks turned slightly pink.
A smile played around my lips as I looked around briefly. "Where are your friends? They should have known about the drink," I asked and then looked at him again. Suddenly, his embarrassed look turned sad. "I'm here alone, I don't have any friends. Pretty pathetic, isn't it? But I didn't want to sit at home alone on my 18th birthday," he said and the smile on my lips widened. "And why this disgusting specimen of a guy?" I continued to ask him, holding out one of the two cocktails that the bartender finally gave me.

The boy accepted the drink and smiled sheepishly. "I didn't just want to become a real man with my age... if you know what I mean," he explained to me shyly.
This boy was perfect.
I leaned down a little towards the little boy and put my hand on his cheek as I whispered in his ear: "I'll grant you your wish. I'm worlds better than that disgusting specimen you just saw." I pulled my head back again and looked him in the eyes, which scrutinized me with wide, expectant eyes. "Really? You're not trying to talk me out of it?" he asked, confused. I suppressed an annoyed roll of my eyes and shook my head. "No, why should I? It's just sex," I replied and then kissed the blond boy so that he would finally stop talking so stupidly.

In fact, barely an hour later we were at my house, the perfect place, as Minho was sleeping at one of the other two anyway. I had absolutely no desire to accompany this little boy to his parents' house and listen to the babble of annoying parents for the second time that day.
As soon as we were through the front door, I grabbed the little boy's face and pressed my lips to his. I didn't give him any time to adjust and forced my tongue into his mouth, which he returned a little overwhelmed. His lips tasted sweet and innocent and I could feel the desire inside me almost overwhelming me.
I couldn't deny that I missed sex, that I definitely needed it. A month of involuntary abstinence had only intensified my insatiable craving for it. So I would get what I craved first and then I could always hand him over to Chan. And since this boy was more than willing, it was two birds with one stone.

Backing up without breaking the kiss, I pushed him into my bedroom and then shoved him onto my bed, where he fell with a soft groan. The bed creaked softly under his petite form and I noticed him digging his fingers into my comforter. He looked at me with rapid breathing, his chest rising and falling rhythmically, but he didn't seem like he was about to back down. His eyes even sparkled with anticipation and expectation and I could detect a slight tremor in his body.
My cock was already throbbing painfully in my pants, I was so horny from the mere kiss. "Take your clothes off," I ordered him and was already pulling my own top over my head. My T-shirt landed on the floor next to the bed and I noticed him taking a quick look at my naked upper body. A little shy, but still willing, he did as I told him and in no time at all he was lying on my bed in just his boxer shorts, under which a clear bulge was already visible.

I licked my lips and enjoyed the sight of his slim, almost fragile-looking body. I slipped my trousers and underwear off in one go and leaned over him to engage him in another kiss, tearing his annoying boxer shorts off his hips in the process.
My fingers buried themselves in his hair and pulled his head back to deepen the kiss. His lips were soft and supple and when I took his lower lip between my teeth and pulled on it, I heard him let out a soft whimper that excited me even more.
I had absolutely no desire to take care of a virgin now, even if I was usually more tender with them than I was about to be with the boy - my lust was too great.

I wanted him hard and wild, wanted to feel him squirming and moaning beneath me. I pulled him back onto the bed by his hair and pressed him onto the mattress with my body. My hands slid over his body as I kissed and bit him, marking his skin with my teeth and fingernails.
Impatience crept up inside me and I wanted him right now. His hands clawed at my back as I leaned over him and rubbed my cock against his entrance. I slowly penetrated him, feeling him tense up involuntarily and he tried to get used to my size. But I didn't give him any time to adjust. I immediately began to move inside him as my thrusts became harder and wilder.

I could feel him squirming underneath me, uttering my name in a whisper and a moan, giving himself to me despite the pain he was enduring. I moved hard and wild inside him and he moaned with every movement. My hands dug into his hips, pulling him even tighter against me as I thrust deep into him again and again, slamming my hips against his.
His hands clawed into my back and pulled me closer to him. I could feel him tense up and on the verge of cumming. I leaned down to him and bit his neck as I reached my own orgasm and released myself into him. His own orgasm followed only seconds later, his muscles trembling and relaxing beneath me.

Exhausted and satisfied, I dropped onto the bed next to him, my chest rising and falling rapidly as I tried to calm my breathing. I could feel him shaking next to me, trying to calm his breathing himself.
I had definitely needed that. I had gotten what I had been craving, had satisfied my lust and immediately felt a lot less stressed than before. Normally I enjoyed it more, but the pressure was just unbearable.
I looked at the boy, who had closed his eyes and was almost about to fall asleep. His eyelashes trembled slightly as he breathed in and out deeply. As good as his life had been so far, from now on it was going to be pure hell for him.

A short time later, I heard the steady breathing next to me and when I turned around, I saw that he had fallen asleep. The situation couldn't have been any more perfect. I got up slowly, taking care not to wake him, and reached for my pants that were on the floor, from which I dug out my cell phone.
I called Chan and ordered him to my house immediately. While I waited for him, I put my clothes back on and watched the sleeping boy, his chest rising and falling to the rhythm of his breathing. About 40 minutes later, with the boy still exhausted and asleep, there was a knock on my front door. When I opened it, Chan was standing in front of it with a big grin on his face. "Here I am my darling. What's so important?" he asked immediately and entered the apartment without hesitation.

I led him into my bedroom, where he followed me without a word. I pointed to the sleeping boy in my bed. "Your new toy," I said with a mixture of indifference and satisfaction in my voice. "I still owed it to you, after all."
Chan's gaze darkened as he looked at me. "Did you fuck him?" he asked me in a penetrating voice. I ignored his look and nodded. "Yes, I've tasted him. He's good," I replied, now looking directly at him. A hint of jealousy flitted across his face, but his expression immediately changed to a lecherous grin as he licked his lips.
"I've done my part," I said, already turning to leave. "Now you fulfill yours." Chan waved his hand away, his eyes transfixed on the boy in my bed. "Yeah, yeah, work, it's good," he said, annoyed, but there was no mistaking the lust in his voice.
I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Close the door when you're done here," I added and left my own apartment, leaving the blond boy to his horrible future with Chan.

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