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You swore that you loved me but where were the clues?
I died on the altar waiting for the proof
You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days

So long London by Taylor Swift

So long London by Taylor Swift

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Dearest Gentle Readers,

In this beginning of the season, this author has found rather scandalous news: One wonders, that a man's ability to set eyes to another while having a lady in his wrapping arms. Is this a fleeting infatuation, a mere flirtation fueled by boredom? Or something far more scandalous?

Such a tragedy could make a full-blown affair threatening the very foundation of the newest engaged couple.

The Earl of Carnasserie  has seemed to take an interest in someone that is not his fiance.. Maybe in other words of wisdom, once a rake stays a rake.

Miss Estelle Bridgerton and The Lord James Potter who had been engaged for the eight months, seem to face their first battle as a couple in trust to one another as The earl was seen in very close proximity with a red-haired woman. Who in other words shall we say, amidst identifying as a humbler origins.

This author found this rather threatening as one blooming love could wither with just one mistake. Dare i say it is a very daring start of the season. Shall whispers of words certainly could turn one into a pure entertainment of society.

Yours Truly,
Lady Whistledown

“ Mother, wait! Do not give it to-” Benedict Bridgerton, the second eldest of the Viscount sons rushes over to warn his family.
As he entered the drawing room he could feel the tense atmosphere of the room. No laughter, no bickering..

It is deadly silent. One that makes everyone feel so uncomfortable. From a silently comforting morning started with chatter has turned into a gloomy, heartbreaking morning..

All eyes on the auburn haired woman, clutching the arm of the chair tightly, that if she does wish to claw it may leave a mark there. They never thought that the first gossip of the season could ruin her day…

“ Hyacinth, please read it till the last word.” Estelle looked at Hyacinth,the girl was excited when the paper arrived, immediately rushed over to read it out loud. Now paralyzed. Realizing that the content of today's writing would devastate her older cousin.

“ E-Estelle, my dear girl. I do not think it is necessary.” Violet walks over to where she sits.

“ We should stop it right now” Colin, gesturing to little Hyacinth to hand him the paper.

“ Read it, or i'll do it myself” Estelle choked out, her act of wanting to arise from her seat but her feet feel too numb.
Benedict, who was still flustered, tried to reason with her but she still did not bug. For a hard decision Benedict was given upon , taking the paper from his little sister, his eyes burning as he gazed into the writing content.

Miss Estelle Bridgerton and The Lord James Potter who had been engaged for the eight months, seem to face their first battle as a couple in trust to one another as The earl was seen in very close proximity with a red-haired woman. Who in other words shall we say, amidst identifying as a humbler origins.

This author found this rather threatening as one blooming love could wither with just one mistake. Dare i say it is a very daring start of the season. Shall whispers of words certainly could turn one into a pure entertainment of society.

Yours Truly,
Lady Whistledown

Estelle's breath hitched, stood up.Walking toward Benedict, seizing the paper from his grasp. rereading the scathing paragraph too many times. Wishing her eyes showed error that it is not true. She wanted so badly to feel it was not true.

“ It cannot be… i- he cannot” her leg feel numb, she could not stand up anymore.

The words blurred at the edges, her vision swimming with now shedded tears. A hiccup escaped her throat, the usually composed Miss Bridgerton was now a disarray miserable girl. Her step fell one by one, moving her back toward her arm chair. The delicate porcelain cup next to her unconsciously was moved, falling to the ground, mere moments ago a vessel for her Earl Grey tea, now lay shattered on the Aubusson carpet, the tea staining the intricate floral pattern to a sickly brown.

Tears filled her eyes, frozen still in her armchair… she did not know what to do… Anger and sadness bubbled up within her.

“ My dear..” the worried Violet Bridgerton rushes over toward the fallen girl and hugs her tightly . The expression of heartbreakingness was displayed on her face, watching the child she raised fell into a sorrowful feeling, a feeling that she herself never experienced.

James Potter, A friend and a lover to hers. the man she had watched from the a far, the man who she dreamt of sharing her life with, the man who sweeps her feet effortlessly in every dance. whose glances and whispered promises had set her heart a flutter, now reading these gossip sheets feel so disgusting.

Her heart is on the line, the dreamily and expectation constructed image of the devoted gentleman was now ruined, replaced by the ugly truth of his act.

She felt a hand on her arm, looking over toward her older cousin, Benedict, his usual playful demeanor was not there. His cheeky simple that use to greet her every morning was not there.This morning none of the family had any feeling of gratitude.

He knelt before Estelle, his hand reaching for hers. "Estelle," he said gently, "Whatever that wretched sheet says, it's nothing but malicious gossip. We'll get to the bottom of this, I promise."
His words should have encouraged her… but her heart still detected her mind running back to the words of the gossip sheet.

“ But it also could be  contain the truth”

“ Eloise it is not the time” Violet scolded loudly, the marchioness cut off her daughter from uttering such hurtful words. Whether true or not, this news seems already affecting one 's emotional state..

“ Ben, I should like a moment alone..If you excuse me”. She said, standing up.

Leaving the others in the drawing room feeling down and worried. Benedict fell over to his mother, second later toward his younger brother who was wrapping his arm around Hyacinth.

“Colin, immediately write to Anthony and Kate, tell them sorry to cut off their honeymoon too soon”.

What indeed a way to start one morning….

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