The end of the beginning

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So, this is it?

All that work just to become another cog in the machine?

Heh, you've grown so predictable!

I could undo all of this right now but. . . Maybe you've earned your rest.

After all, there's always another.

Can't say it's been fun so. . . I suppose this is where we part ways.

Oh, who am I kidding?

Until we meet again. . . friend.

Clover walks to a wall in front and leans on it while holding his chest.

Clover closes his eyes, accepting death.

A few hours went by as the sky turns dark.

Footsteps were heard in the distance near the tree.

Huh. Would you look at that?

Another human who fell to the ground.

Didn't see them go in here before.

. . .

. . .

Maybe. . . just maybe. . . 

A shadowed monster walks to Clover's body.

Maybe this might work.

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