Lost and Found

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Sans enters his room and locks it while Clover eats his hot dog.

Sans: heya.

Clover: Hi, Sans.

Sans: just curious about something.

Sans: did you happen to lose something?

Clover: I gave my friends my belongings. My gun and my-

Sans: hat?

Clover: How did you know?

Sans takes out Clover's hat from his bag and Clover snatches it and wears it immediately.

Clover: Whoa! Where did you get this?

Sans: bought it from bratty and catty. i didn't really know it was actually yours. i just figured that it might suit you.

Sans hands over the gun to Clover.

Sans: and i bought the gun too. doesn't really look harmless. but i thought that i would use this to frighten my friends, especially my brother.

Sans glances at Clover and smiles.

Sans: well, i'll be completely honest here.

Sans: it's been a long time i took care of a human before.

Clover: A human? You've met one?

Sans: just one in particular. they're quite unpredictable.

Sans: they would make friends, make some weird decisions. . .

Sans: heck, they even tried to flirt with others. heh.

Sans: that was all the good times i had.

Sans: i wouldn't list what the bad things are to you.

Sans: they might be quite disturbing to say.

Clover: What do you mean?

Sans: follow me, i know a shortcut.

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