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Clover wakes up on a bed, brushing his eyes from sleep.

Clover: . . . Was that all a dream?

Clover: Hmm, doesn't look like my usual bed.

Clover: How long was i out for?

Clover tries to open the door, but it's locked.

Clover: Huh? Locked? Weird.

Clover: Maybe-

The footsteps start to get closer.

Clover: Crap! I gotta hide!

Clover gets back to the bed and pretends to sleep.

A hooded monster enters the room with a plate of spaghetti and sits down.

Clover breathes slowly as possible as to not get caught by the monster who's currently eating spaghetti with a fork.

???: . . . Hey, do you want some?

Clover: . . .

???: I'm not here to hurt you, kid. I just wanted if you're hungry, that's all.

Clover gets up from the bed and eats the spaghetti from the fork given.

???: Didn't know a human is around these parts.

???: That includes getting in my room.

???: So, let's greet each other, shall we?

The hooded monster lends a hand to Clover.

Clover hesitates a little but accepts it gracefully.

As they both handshake, a farting noise is created in the midst.

Clover: . . .

The hooded monster begins to burst out laughter.

???: pfffft. . . heh heh heh heh heh. . . 

Sans: the old whoopie cushion on the hand trick! it's always funny!

Sans: oh my god, your face! i can't stop laughing!

Clover: Who are you?

Sans: anyways, i'm sans, sans the skeleton.

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