Last Corridor

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Sans leads Clover to the last corridor and stops at the middle of it.

Clover: Sans? Where are we?

Sans: judging by your words, i suppose that you never entered this place, huh?

Sans: clover, this is the judgement hall.

Sans: a place where others are judged by how much EXP and LOVE they earned.

Sans: the place that could determine their journey through the underground.

Sans: this place is my true job, a royal judge, second in command.

Sans: the king, asgore dreemurr, assigned me with this important role.

Sans: the royal judge's identity has to not be known by others, even the guards.

Sans: it's a great job to say the least. at least for me.

Sans: everything's going well. one soul left to break the barrier.

Sans: however, i don't think i can keep up with the job anymore.

Sans: well, not alone, at least.

Sans: come with me.

Clover: Where are we going?

Sans: the throne room.

Clover: Okay. . .

Asgore: Dum dee dum. . .

Asgore: Oh, who's there?

Sans: it's just me, boss.

Asgore: Sans, what brings you in this time of moment?

Sans: it's my job.

Asgore: Go on.

Sans: i know it's good to be the royal judge and all, but i can't do it alone.

Sans: this job made me avoid most of my social life.

Sans: so, i wanna ask you a candidate.

Asgore: Who is it, Sans?

Sans steps aside, showing Clover to Asgore.

Sans: . . . a human.

Asgore steps back out of shock.

Asgore: S- Sans. . . what's the meaning of this?

Sans: i know you might be surprised with this sudden proposal.

Sans: but i understand that, your majesty.

Sans: we only needed one soul left to break it but. . .

Sans: would it be okay if we just spared one like before?

Asgore: Are you sure, Sans? This might be risky for the whole monster kind.

Sans: look, i get that, your majesty.

Sans: but if i can't beat them, maybe clover could.

Asgore: . . . I see. If that's what you wanted. . . Very well then.

Asgore: I hereby declare Clover as the second royal judge.

Sans: thank you, your majesty.

Asgore: Just one more thing, Sans.

Asgore: You can't let the others know about another human in the underground.

Sans: i understand that. on how dangerous it could be.

Sans: i'll do any means to protect them.

Sans: sigh. come on, clover. let's get back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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