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Grillbys: Sigh. What do you want?

Sans: a cheeseburger and a hot dog.

Grillbys: unusual order but sure.

Sans: hey, grillbs. can you order this for takeout?

Grillbys: May I ask why?

Sans: paps might be angry if i stay here for too long. and if he sees me here, he might drag me back to patrol before eating.

Grillbys: That will cost mo-

Sans takes out 10 Gold

Sans: i think that'll be enough.

Grillbys: How did you-

Sans: i work at mtt resort as a comedian. need i say more?

Grillbys: . . . Very well then.

excuse me? can i have a cinnamon bun? thank you.

hello. can i get a legendary hero and a steak? thank you.

hey, can i get a nice cream? thank you.

heya. can i get a sea tea please? thank you.

Sans returns home with a plastic bag.

Sans: hmm, i must be out for so long.

Sans; welp, time flies when you're very busy, huh?

Sans goes into his room and locks his room then sees Clover sleeping.

Sans: hey, clover.

Clover wakes up by his voice.

Clover: Hey, Sans.

Sans: i know you've been hungry so i bought you some food from shops to keep you busy.

Clover: Oh! Thanks!

Sans gets up and opens his door.

Clover: Aren't you going to sleep here? This is your room after all.

Sans: nah. i can sleep on the sofa.

Sans: besides, papyrus gets a little cranky without listening to his bedtime stories.

Sans: plus, you look comfortable sleeping on mine so. . .

Clover: Oh. Okay.

Sans: you're welcome. enjoy.

Sans leaves his room and locks his room.

Sans goes downstairs and lays down on the sofa.

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